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LABOR DAY - HELPER TRIP REPORT UP Posted Saturday, September 28 2002 at 1311 h MDT I've finally gotten the new trip report finished (well, written anyway, not necessarily edited...) and posted on the web. It covers a Montrose Local powered by 3097, five Grande tunnel motors during a beautiful weekend in Helper, some photos of the new signalling on the Dotsero Cutoff, and, as a special bonus, a page of photos from the Georgetown Loop last weekend. It's available here - and be sure to click the see more link at the bottom of the introduction. Enjoy! Update (9/28 - 2323h): I fixed the missing links to the video clips - sorry about that. - NDHolmes
FORMER RIO GRANDE LINES SOLD TO UTA Posted Tuesday, September 24 2002 at 0853 h MDT Union Pacific sold a good deal of trackage in the Salt Lake area to the Utah Transit Authority last Friday, 20-Sep-2002. These include the former DRGW SLC-Ogden mainline, what's left of the Park City Branch, UP's Bingham Industrial Lead (part of the Bingham Branch), and the Tintic Branch south of South Fork. A map of these lines, and the rest of the sale, can be found here. For more detailed information, see Don Strack's original posting of the information on Trainorders. - NDHolmes
POST-WEEKEND UPDATES Posted Monday, September 9 2002 at 0934 h MDT It's been an interesting weekend. First, there was the runaway off BNSF's Golden Branch on Friday night that ripped out C&S junction when it derailed. Apparently two large tankers of corn syrup broke loose, came zipping down the Golden Branch eastbound, and derailed when they hit C&S Junction just west of North Yard in Denver. Kevin Morgan managed to get a few photos of the tank cars lying along Federal Blvd. on Saturday, and they're posted on his website, DRGW.ws. Also, you'll note that Locotrace works again, thanks to a new data source who shall remain anonymous at this time. I've cut back the number of units followed to just operating Grandes and good looking patch jobs in the interest of limiting our exposure, though. You won't be able to get an up-to-the-minute trace, and updates may be rather erratic, but at least it's functioning. I'll be adding destination information in the next few days, as I figure out how to parse it out more consistently. The Helper, UT, trip report should be up later this week, and will feature a bit of a twist - there will be a significant portion of video clips. - NDHolmes
TUNNEL MOTOR COMING HOME Posted Friday, September 6 2002 at 1501 h MDT DRGW 5354 was sighted coming south to Denver today (6-Sep-2002) through Greeley at 1240h. It's probably on MGRNY, and will more than likely return on MNYGR tomorrow unless somebody cuts it off and sends it south (hint, hint). Thanks to Jay Barnaby for posting this to the D&RGW list about an hour ago. - NDHolmes
LOCOTRACE - GOING, GOING... BACK! NOPE, GONE Posted Tuesday, September 3 2002 at 1812 h MDT For the moment, at least, it looks like UP has changed its mind about restricting the public trace for some unknown reason. I have my suspicions that the new software didn't work correctly yet again, but that's only a guess. At this time, there's no impending doom message on the Public Trace website, so enjoy it while it lasts. In other news, I think I've found a new source for data after the public trace goes offline, but he'll remain nameless for now. Wouldn't want to give UP a head start... Update (9/3 - 2300h): Nevermind, it's toast. It will take me a couple days to get the new source up and running and his data integrating nicely with the system. Have patience. - NDHolmes
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