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SO YOU WANT A WOODEN RIO GRANDE CABOOSE? Posted Monday, August 2 2010 at 0021 h MDT So if you've ever wanted your own wooden, standard gauge Rio Grande caboose, today's your day. One of the 0800-series cabooses turned up on eBay today. These were originally built in the 1880s and 1890s, and are the Grande's earliest standard gauge cabooses. However, like much of the Rio Grande's equipment, they were largely replaced during overhauls, and the 0800s are no exceptions, so very little on this one likely dates that far back. Rather, most of it likely dates to a later rebuild, when they were given tall cupolas.
Nobody seems to know what number this was originally, but it apparently came from around Penrose before being sold to its current owner several years back. For those interested, [here's the link]. - NDHolmes
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