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DRGW 5409 GOING EAST Posted Friday, September 29 2000 at 2202 h MDT The important point here is that according to the DRGW list, DRGW5409 will be working east towards Denver early Saturday morning - probably leaving Grand Junction around midnight. - NDHolmes
RAILFANNING THE ALAMOSA SUB Posted Friday, September 29 2000 at 1917 h MDT Took the day off work today (mainly to destress - I needed a long weekend) and went railfanning on the Alamosa Line. I just got home, and as soon as the laptop is plugged back in I'll try to get a trip report and photos posted. And besides, there really wasn't much RG news of interest today - but watch out, there will be a chartered Ski Train tomorrow morning - no word on power yet. - NDHolmes
DRGW SD50 COMING TO DENVER Posted Thursday, September 28 2000 at 1142 h MDT DRGW 5502, one of the Rio Grande SD50 fleet that seems to be captive to southern California, is headed into Denver from North Platte, apparently via Wyoming. It's expected to arrive in Denver at 0215h on 9/29. Just a heads up - if anyone gets photos, please post them. In other news, it seems the UP business train will leave Denver at noon, with the Es and UP4167 - one of the new SD70s. UPDATE 9/28-3:15pm: The UP Es traced at Glenwood Springs, CO, at 1740h MDT - NDHolmes
NEW SCHEDULE INFO FOR UP BUSINESS TRAIN Posted Wednesday, September 27 2000 at 2327 h MDT Thanks to the D&RGW list, we now have a tentative time schedule for the UP Board of Directors train that will be covering the Moffat today/tomorrow. This is currently what we think we know: Denver, CO: Depart 9/28 - 1200h Grand Jct, CO: Arrive 9/28 - 1945h Depart 9/28 - 1950h Helper, UT: Arrive 9/28 - 2310h Depart 9/29 - 1950h Salt Lake City, UT: Arrive 9/29 - 1000h Hope that helps, now go get some photos! - NDHolmes
UP Es AND BUSINESS TRAIN ON THE MOFFAT Posted Wednesday, September 27 2000 at 0852 h MDT There's been some debate as to whether the train will be leaving Denver today (9/27) or tomorrow (9/28), but regardless, it looks like the three E units on the front, along with a bright shiny new SD70. The word is it will be leaving about noon and heading for Glenwood Springs, where it will stop for the night before continuing to SLC the next day. Also, it looks like it will be returning to Denver via the Moffat on the 30th. UPDATE: See the above article for more accurate and fun details. - NDHolmes
GRANDES ON THE FRONT RANGE Posted Tuesday, September 26 2000 at 1349 h MDT Looks like DRGW3154 & 3155 will be on MDVPU tonight (9/26), and DRGW5385 will be headed west to Roper on (probably) MDVRO. Both are expected to depart around 1600h MDT. Also, for anyone in ColoSprgs, DRGW3084 has appeared as our new yard switcher. UPDATE: Looks like 5385 will be stopping in Helper, UT, later today - NDHolmes
SD40T-2s MOVING WEST Posted Sunday, September 24 2000 at 1514 h MDT According to observations off the DRGW mailing list, T-2s 5406 and 5409 will be departing Denver at about 4pm and work west back over the Moffat to Helper. And, better yet, they're coupled back-to-back and leading. In other Moffat news, looks like a UP passenger special will leave Denver for Glenwood at about noon on Wednesday, Sept. 27. - NDHolmes
DRGW 3107 GONE Posted Saturday, September 23 2000 at 1725 h MDT Looks like we've lost another one to age - DRGW 3107 was apparently deemed not worth repairing when an inspection on 13 Sept. 2000 revealed problems with the main generator and turbo. It's currently dead in tow to Hinkle, OR, probably headed for Boise and sale or rebuilding. - NDHolmes
WEB SITE UPDATE Posted Saturday, September 23 2000 at 1548 h MDT We've changed looks several times, and this is the latest one. Having more time on my hands, and feeling guilty about failing to get more D&RGW-related content up sooner, I've decided to get back to what I originally intended to do with DRGW.NET - maintain, preserve and present information on the Rio Grande. Please let me know any thoughts - NDHolmes
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