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NOT-QUITE-DRGW: UP CENTENNIAL DAMAGED, 2 KILLED Posted Thursday, November 30 2000 at 1949 h MST Normally non-D&RGW grade crossing incidents wouldn't make the news, but in light of the human tragedy and the equipment involved, I felt it was warrented this once. From John Bromley, Union Pacific Railroad Public Relations: "The Engineering Dept. inspection special hit a dump truck near Livonia, LA this morning at 7:43 a.m. at Vacherie, LA. The truck driver was killed as well as a Union Pacific manager from Omaha headquarters who was riding in the cab. The manager died when he was struck by debris that burst through the front door. His next of kin are being notified. None of the riders in the passenger train were hurt. The conductor, engineer and an operating officer who were also in the cab were treated for various injuries." Obviously our thoughts and prayers go out for the crew and the families. - NDHolmes
TP HERZOG UNITS IN NORTH YARD Posted Wednesday, November 29 2000 at 1123 h MST According to a post by Paul Birkholz (of Mountain West Rail fame) this morning on the DRGW list, the two Herzog units (HZGX 164 & 165) that were cleaning up the Tennessee Pass line are now in Denver's North Yard. They're apparently supposed to be in Pueblo by early Thursday morning, so the current speculation is that they'll travel on MDVPU tonight. In other news, DRGW5386 is working east today towards Denver - it traced at Grand Jct this morning (11/29) at 0645h. - NDHolmes
RETURNING T-MOTORS, AGAIN Posted Tuesday, November 28 2000 at 0806 h MST DRGW 5371/5385/5390 are returning from Roper to North Yard today - passed Thompson, UT at 0546 this morning (11/28), and are due at NYard by 0100h tomorrow. Still it's a nice day here in Colorado and a good opportunity to catch them, at least on our side of the divide. - NDHolmes
DRGW POWER UPDATES AND NEW WEB STUFF COMING Posted Monday, November 27 2000 at 2153 h MST As of today, it looks like DRGW 3084/3105/3111 will be pulling local duty out of Denver. Also, DRGW5353 will be headed west to Roper, and DRGW5342 is headed east to Denver. DRGW3097/3129 are on the Alamosa locals, and DRGW3154/3155 are once again running together on Denver-Pueblo. In other good news, there are 14 motors currently stationed in Helper, and another 5 random pieces of DRGW power roaming around Utah at the moment. Also, I'm getting ready to start scanning some of the D&RGW paper I've accumulated over the years - within a week or so an "historical paper" set of pages will appear, and hopefully a week or two after that will come several pages devoted to overviews of the various Grande mainlines and branches. - NDHolmes
GP40 3060 RISES FROM THE DEAD Posted Sunday, November 26 2000 at 1938 h MST Paul from Arvada just posted the following to the DRGW list: "I have been told that GP40 has been plucked from the scrap pile by some dedicated mechanics at Burnham. It was to be scraped if it could not be fixed. 3060 should be out and running the rails again very soon." No further confirmation, but Paul's posts are usually right. - NDHolmes
MOVING T-2s & TROUGH TRAIN Posted Sunday, November 26 2000 at 1545 h MST The two SD40T-2s that wandered in to Denver yesterday morning ( 5371 & 5385) are going back to Roper this afternoon - Paul from Arvada informs us that they're buried 3-4 engines back behind some yellow stuff. DRGW5353 is also headed into Denver over the Moffat later tonight, and 3154/3155 have resumed their duty together on the Denver-Pueblo runs. Also, I caught up with the BNSF Trough Train headed north along the Joint Line this afternoon, for anyone keeping track of it. For those of you who haven't believed I really have been working on a new trip report, it's also finally up. - NDHolmes
TM's COMING INTO DENVER AND MAG SURVEY Posted Saturday, November 25 2000 at 0932 h MST DRGW 5371/5385 will be coming in to Denver this morning / early this afternoon - they traced at Granby at 0809h. Also I know you've all grown tired of reading my DRGW magazine survey reminder news. But for one of the last times, Keith Williams wants to remind everyone: "Folks, time is running out on the Magazine Survey. It will only be on-line through November 30, 2000. So, if you haven't taken the survey and want to have some influence on the decision to proceed or not proceed with the magazine, as well as the actual content of the magazine, please take a few moments to fill out the survey at http://www.drgw.org/survey/" - NDHolmes
WEEK'S WRAP-UP Posted Friday, November 24 2000 at 0140 h MST Hopefully everyone (at least the Americans) enjoyed their Thanksgiving yesterday. Because of the holiday, it seems UP has stopped most of their trains until Saturday morning. This just happens to include a Roper-to-Denver train with T-motors 5371 & 5385, which seem to have tied down in Helper, UT. Don't know when this train will proceed east, but hopefully it will be in daylight. Other than that, the D&RGW news has been a bit slow lately - I'm promising the latest trip report by tomorrow night - honestly, it's about done. - NDHolmes
PASSENGER TRAINS, T-MOTORS, AND CALIFORNIA Posted Monday, November 20 2000 at 1043 h MST Well, I'm finally back - unfortunately with no D&RGW photos to show for the trip, but tons of BNSF & UP traffic - trip report posted hopefully tonight if everything goes well. Okay, so on with the D&RGW news: A UP passenger special passed over the Joint Line going north this morning (11/20). It departed Pueblo at 0715h, passed north out of ColoSprgs at 0830h, and had a pair of SD70Ms on the front, one of which was UP4242. Also, there's DRGW5386 working west today in the sunlight. It departed North Yard at 0605h, and is headed for Roper. Hasn't scanned at East Portal yet, though, so it's probably still on the east side of the tunnel. - NDHolmes
TENNESSEE PASS ACTIVITY? Posted Wednesday, November 15 2000 at 2055 h MST This was posted on the DRGW list earlier today: "As of 1pm on 11/15/00 (Wednesday) there are three UP laser tampers parked on the Eagle house track (Tennessee Pass mainline, on the "shuttered portion")." If anyone has any more information, please post it to the list or email it to me at NDHolmes@drgw.net and I'll see that it gets posted. - NDHolmes
CALIFORNIA DREAMIN' AND TUESDAY IN COLORADO Posted Monday, November 13 2000 at 2325 h MST Looks like DRGW 5505 is confirmed gone - not physically dead, but repainted into UP colors at Jenks in N Little Rock. In better news, though, 5361/5372/5407 are working east tonight to N Yard (arriving early Tuesday morning), and 5371/5386/5390 have now arrived in Roper and will (probably) be turned around for tomorrow's MRODV. In addition, there are two other T-motors in Denver, along with other varied DRGW power around Colorado. California's quite nice so far - tons of traffic over Cajon this weekend. Unfortunately I haven't found any of the SD50s yet. - NDHolmes
ANOTHER T-MOTOR TO DENVER Posted Friday, November 10 2000 at 1626 h MST Okay, I promise, I really am leaving, but was just checking on all the 50s before I left and noticed that 5406 is on its way to Denver tonight (11/10). Don't know where it is in the consist or even what kind of train it's on, but thought I'd let everyone know. - NDHolmes
FRIDAY NOTES Posted Friday, November 10 2000 at 1143 h MST The wrecked units from Yarmony (UP7193 / UP8029) appear to be heading for North Yard. They passed Kremmling this morning (11/10) at 1112h. Meanwhile, the four T-motors from yesterday (5361/5372/5376/5377) are continuing to trek across Utah today towards Roper. Just a reminder: This will probably the last regular news update until ??, as I'm headed for LA for the week (business). I can't promise more than about an update every day or so, since my network access will be limited. I'll be back next Sunday, but in the meantime I plan to spend my spare time tracking down those SD50s. Look for a big trip report in a week. - NDHolmes
FIVE WESTBOUND SD40T-2s IN UTAH TODAY Posted Thursday, November 9 2000 at 0928 h MST DRGW5371/5390/5392 are together, and DRGW5356/5410 are grouped together. All five are probably still sitting in Grand Junction right now, as the trace doesn't yet indicate a departure for any of them. All are headed for Roper. No word on where they are in the consists. - NDHolmes
DRGW MAGAZINE SURVEY REMINDER Posted Tuesday, November 7 2000 at 1635 h MST This is just a friendly reminder to everyone to take the Rio Grande Magazine Interest Survey. This is an important part of possibly (hopefully) getting a professional magazine put together to specifically cover our favorite railroad. Keith put out a reminder on the D&RGW list, and I felt the need to remind everyone here. Please, if you haven't done it yet, respond. We need your input. - NDHolmes
TUESDAY NOTES Posted Tuesday, November 7 2000 at 1226 h MST Looks like 5371 / 5390 will be leading MDVRO west today, along with a large compliment of accumulated SP/UP AC units. The DRGW heavy crane 028 was reported moving east out of Grand Jct this morning (11/7) at 1035h, presumably headed for Yarmony. Also, expect a slowdown in news for next week - I'll be in LA on business, with some railfanning hopefully tucked in (SD50s look out...). Lastly, for those of you Americans on here, a reminder that it's election day - get out and cast your vote. I realize that's not really DRGW-related news, but political climate can and will definitely influence the future of railroads here as well as (more importantly) your life and our country in general. Know the issues, understand the implications, and VOTE! - NDHolmes
DRGW5371 & 5390 STOPPED AT CLIFF Posted Monday, November 6 2000 at 1343 h MST DRGW 5371 / 5390 are apparently being held in the hole at Cliff with yesterday's eastbound MDVRO. No clue how long they'll be there, but thanks to Joe McMillan for providing this one to the DRGW list. - NDHolmes
T-MOTOR PROBLEMS YESTERDAY Posted Monday, November 6 2000 at 1339 h MST The four-unit DRGW lashup that was supposed to lead MDVRO on 11/5 evidently left with only three of the four motors. DRGW 5410 apparently had problems with the sanders not turning off, and after several attempts to resolve problems, it was eventually cut out, leaving 5376 to lead the 7-unit consist to Roper. Thanks to Altamont Press and The Colorado Zephyr for this one. - NDHolmes
DRGW MOVEMENT IN UTAH & COLORADO Posted Monday, November 6 2000 at 1105 h MST I don't have much else to report on today, so here's a list of D&RGW units moving in Grande Country today: DRGW3060 has replaced DRGW3097/3111/3129 on the Alamosa runs today. DRGW5371/5390 are returning to North Yard today in daylight, passing through Granby at 0916h this morning (11/6). DRGW5386 is following them on another train, passing through Grand Jct. at 0715h. And, for those in Utah, 5361/5372/5376 are headed west on yesterday's MDVRO (delayed by the Yarmony derailment, and cleared DeBeque at 1019h. Also, just a reminder - don't forget the RioGrande Magazine Interest Survey, if you're interested in seeing a magazine devoted to the Grande. - NDHolmes
FOUR T-MOTORS HEADED WEST Posted Sunday, November 5 2000 at 1447 h MST Looks like 5361, 5372, 5376, and 5410 will be leading MDVRO west tonight (though none of us have a clue when, due to the Yarmony derailment), along with 4 other various UP/SP critters. The tunnel motors, however, are supposedly in the lead. The last estimate I heard was 1800h tonight (11/5) on derailment cleanup. If I get an update on MDVRO's departure, I'll post it. - NDHolmes
MOFFAT LINE DERAILMENT Posted Saturday, November 4 2000 at 1923 h MST At around 1600h today, there was a mishap at West Yarmony, just east of Bond. It appears (but don't take this as fact yet) that a set of eight light locos attempted to exit the siding before an eastbound coal train had cleared, and collided with the side. Thankfully, the crew seems to have escaped with only a few scrapes and cuts. Thanks to Joe McMillan for providing this bit to the DRGW list. Paul from MWR was up there within 35 minutes, and provided this photo, posted at Trainorders. Once again I miss the real action - yours truly was over on the other side of the Tunnel for the afternoon - trip report coming later tonight. - NDHolmes
ANOTHER T-MOTOR SET GOING EAST Posted Wednesday, November 1 2000 at 2142 h MST As if 5361/5376/5377 wasn't enough of a good thing, a new set has appeared and will be departing Roper in an hour or two for Denver - this time DRGW5371 and 5390. Not sure whereabouts in the consist they're located, but should put it across western Colorado in daylight tomorrow. UPDATE: The trace shows that they just left at 2130h (11/1). - NDHolmes
DRGW5372 HEADED EAST IN THE LEAD Posted Wednesday, November 1 2000 at 0757 h MST A look at the trace this morning reveals 5372 (which apparently is leading - thanks for this info to Paul over at Mountail West Rail). The train cleared Green River at 0505h this morning (11/1). Looks like a beautiful day from here, but with the random snowing lately, who knows on that side of the divide. - NDHolmes
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