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DRGW 3128 PATCHED Posted Tuesday, May 17 2005 at 2309 h MDT 3128 was patched on 5-May-2005 to UP 1349, though it didn't show up in the computer until last night. That leaves 10 GP40-2s, 3 SD40T-2s, and 1 SD50 out of the once mighty Rio Grande fleet. Thanks to our daily trace source and Paul Z. for the information. - NDHolmes
PUEBLO DERAILMENT Posted Friday, May 13 2005 at 1018 h MDT There was a relatively minor derailment in Pueblo last night around midnight. Apparently a southbound BNSF grain train came off the tracks near 29th & Lowell, the grade crossing just north of the BNSF yard and about a mile south of where the line goes over US 50. News blurb here. Thanks to Nathan Z. for pointing this one out. - NDHolmes
OTHER MAY TIDBITS Posted Thursday, May 12 2005 at 2233 h MDT Matt Hudson mentions that the Gunnison County Times this week was running a bit about saving the old Sargents, CO, D&RGW water tank. This is one of the tanks on the original narrow gauge main line, just west of Marshall Pass. The tank can be clearly seen from US 50 still today, but is in need of help. The article stated that tax-deductable donations towards its preservation could be sent to: UTHCA/Water Tank Fund, P.O. Box 104, Sargents, CO 81248. Other than that, I don't know anything about the organization, so you might want to check into it further before sending them anything...
In narrow gauge news... The D&S ran its first through train to Silverton on Wednesday, 11-May-2005, starting the 2005 season. The C&TS, meanwhile, is still busily clearing snow off the line, working on cars, and tidying up in preparation for their opener on Saturday, 28-May-2005. The C&TS Car Repair Facility in Antonito not only now has track leading to it, but received the first part of its concrete floor recently. Also, the C&TS cars are receiving a fresh coat of paint - a red/maroon color this time, instead of green.
Lee/Mike tell me that they've moved the informal railfan get-together in Ft. Lupton this weekend yet again. It's now in a lot somewhere off 14th Street at the north end of town. Sorry for the last minute notice, I forgot to post this earlier. Apparently the park has a huge fence that prevents any sort of useful photography. - NDHolmes
STB SIDES WITH D&RGHF Posted Thursday, May 12 2005 at 2209 h MDT The Denver & Rio Grande Historical Foundation has finally gotten through the last of its battles with certain "concerned citizens" (otherwise known as NIMBYs, whiners, etc.) that were trying to shut it down. The DRGHF purchased the Creede Branch of the former D&RGW (South Fork, CO, to Creede, CO) from the UP back in 1999. They tried such dirty tricks as rezoning the railroad's RoW for other uses and asking the STB to revoke its approval for the Offer of Financial Assistance that allowed the DRGHF to purchase the line in the first place. The STB voted unanimously (3-0) against both tricks, ruling that the city's zoning is pre-empted by 49 U.S.C. 10501(b), and that there was no reason to reopen the OFA issue. Now, having wasted thousands fighting these people, the DRGHF can finally get on with restoring the line and operating it for both tourists and any freight traffic that might materialize. Thanks to everyone that submitted this, and sorry I'm so slow getting it posted. - NDHolmes
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