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463 NEWS: NOT 'TIL 2013 Posted Tuesday, June 26 2012 at 0822 h MDT Last week, the folks from American Heritage Railways (the D&S, basically) did an assessment of how much more time would be needed to complete 463's reconstruction and then tried to figure out how that mapped onto available shop crew time. Tim Tennant has announced the results: there probably isn't enough spare shop time to finish 463 until the off season, meaning we won't be seeing 463 run before 2013. The announcement is [here]. - NDHolmes
TOWNER LINE ABANDONMENT PPWK FILED Posted Saturday, June 16 2012 at 2134 h MDT On 8 Jun 2012, the V&S Railway officially applied to abandon the ex-Missouri Pacific Towner Line from NA Junction (where it joins with the BNSF and UP) to Haswell, CO. Officially the ends are mileposts 868.5 and 808.3. Here's a link to the official Surface Transportation Board filing.
Consummation of the proceedings is expected in the last week of July, and I would expect removal of materials to begin immediately after that. Get those pictures now! - NDHolmes
ROCKY CLUB C&TS AND D&S CHARTERS Posted Wednesday, June 13 2012 at 1715 h MDT Just a reminder - the Rocky Mtn Railroad Club is sponsoring two photo charters this fall and the deadline for signing up is only about a month away. We're running these with a maximum of 35 people, so photo lines will be small and flexibility should be fairly high. Ron Burkhard will be the trip leader for both trips.
The first will be the C&TS trip on September 24-25. The *plan* is to have 463 and 484 double-head out of Chama to Cumbres with a photo freight, then run solo with 463 to Antonito. We'll overnight in Antonito (you're on your own for lodging) and work back to Chama the next day. We're contracted to have the power lettered for the Grande. $865 for both days, lunch included.
(Obviously, all of this is contingent upon 463 being finished. As Tim posted yesterday, the D&S folks are working on a schedule and more should be known soon. Otherwise, it'll be K36s.)
The D&S trip will be the following Thursday-Friday, September 27-28. The trip will consist of a 1923-era passenger train, with an appropriately lettered K-28 for power, a green combine, and maroon coaches. Thursday will run up to Silverton to overnight, and then back on Friday. Cost is $995.
The deadline is July 24, so if you're thinking about it, don't delay. We need to get to thirty people to make either of these a go (that's where we're breaking even.)
If you're planning on being in Colorado, the weekend before is the SLRG's yearly photo trip (though you'll have to miss steam to Monte on Monday), and the weekend after is the D&S's annual fall photo trip. These could fit nicely in the middle for a full week of ex-Rio Grande photography.
A sign up form and further details can be found on the official [RMRRC trip website]. Again, the drop dead date where we'll make the go/no go call is July 24. If you're thinking about it, don't wait much longer. - NDHolmes
KNOTTS PULLS GOOSE 3 FROM GOOSEFEST Posted Thursday, June 7 2012 at 1919 h MDT So despite the hype, the marketing, and the high price of the Goosefest VIP tickets, Knotts has backed out with bringing RGS 3 over from California. There's no word on why, just that they're not coming. The official word is [posted on NGDF].
The others will all still be there. Larry Spencer posted [travel plans] for RGS 4 and 5, being moved to Denver by Skanska International of Cortez. Thanks to them for handling the transportation, and to the folks from the GGHS and Ridgway Museum for getting 4 and 5 to the museum.
On a personal note, yes, I'm highly annoyed. After dropping $250 to the Museum plus Denver hotels and rearranging my work and vacation plans to be in town, it would have been nice to have a bit more notice than a week before that Knotts was going to choose not to participate. Heck, an actual explanation would have been nice, beyond "we're sorry, but we're not coming." - NDHolmes
MOFFAT LINE TRACKWORK AND AMTRAK DETOURS Posted Monday, June 4 2012 at 1633 h MDT Union Pacific put out a short press release this morning about the trackwork they're doing between Winter Park and Kremmling on the former D&SL/D&RGW [Moffat Route]. The short version is $10 million dollars in rehabilitation, including 2 miles of curve rail replacement, 39 grade crossings being resurfaced, 44,000 ties replaced, and about 25,000 tons of ballast being dumped and tamped. The full press release is [here] on UP's website.
As a result of this maintenance blitz, they're rerouting Amtrak 5 and 6 (the California Zephyrs) via UP's Wyoming main through Thursday, 7 Jun 2012. - NDHolmes
CIRCUS TRAIN ON JOINT LINE FOR TUESDAY Posted Monday, June 4 2012 at 1603 h MDT The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey "blue" circus train will be coming up the Joint Line from Pueblo to Colorado Springs on Tuesday morning, 5 Jun 2012. It's coming up from Texas via the BNSF through Amarillo, Las Animas, La Junta and Pueblo. No word on power, but the last report I saw had it into Pueblo around dawn tomorrow morning. - NDHolmes
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