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LOBATO TRESTLE UPDATE Posted Thursday, October 14 2010 at 1633 h MDT The C&TSMC put out a press release this morning, written by Bill Hume, detailing the current state of Lobato repairs. The press release can be found [here].
The short version is that the expected repair cost will be $1.91M, and things are moving forward with the cash on hand. The Commission had $500k on hand that could be used for the trestle, of which $60k went to engineering studies. In addition, they're pursuing permission from Colorado and New Mexico to repurpose the remaining uncommitted $550k from the track upgrade project. Assuming that works, they'll have $990k on hand to start work.
From here, design work and historic preservation documentation for repair will cost $90k, and is expected to be done by December 1. At that point, a contract will be issued for beam fabrication - costing around $800k - with an anticipated delivery date of March 1. Also, the wooden components for the new deck will be ordered around December 1, at an estimated cost of $100k.
Around the first of March, another contract will be issued for constructing a road down to the trestle and doing the actual installation work. Cost of the installation is estimated to run nearly $920k, much of which will go towards renting a large crane to install the beams.
Overall, the Commission has $990k, and needs approximately another $920k to finish the job. The release states that funding through the states is being pursued. Certainly at this point writing a few letters to your CO & NM state representatives couldn't hurt. - NDHolmes
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