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D&RGW 168 TO BE REBORN ON THE C&TS Posted Sunday, March 29 2015 at 0030 h MDT The Colorado Springs city council, in a rare moment of sanity and agreement, approved a series of three 15 year leases that will take D&RGW T-12 #168 out of the Antlers Park downtown and send it to Chama for rebuilding and eventual operation. The press release can be found [here]. (Fixed the link - thanks to Steve Walden for letting me know it was busted.) - NDHolmes
MINNESOTA ZEPHYR F7s FINALLY HERE Posted Saturday, March 28 2015 at 2319 h MDT Given that their trek began with loading onto flat cars in Minnesota just before New Years, it's taken forever for the two - MNZX 787 and MNZX 788 - to finally move down the Joint Line. They arrived in Denver last week, but it took until this morning to get them moving southward towards their new home in Alamosa.
Thanks to a heads up by Nathan Z this morning, I managed to go outside and suffer through some of the sunny, 75 degree weather today in my convertible to chase these guys. The results of the chase between Palmer Lake and Pueblo [are posted here]. - NDHolmes
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