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UP STARTS WORK ON LINE TO MINTURN Posted Friday, June 30 2006 at 1514 h MDT UP has started work on the track between Gypsum and Minturn in preparation for their plan of storing cars in the old Minturn yard. Most notably in need of attention is the "Minturn Kink", where the track was moved aside and bent into an unworkable curve in order to make room for a hiking/biking trail. A ballast train started dumping ballast on the kinked track this morning, and Todd Busse reports via the list that they were done in a little over an hour. Tyler Eaton mentioned a bit of other ballast work down around the new bridges in Avon. Thanks to both Todd Busse and Tyler Eaton for keeping us updated on developments via the D&RGW list. Update (7/3 - 0023h): Todd posted a few of his photos of the ballast move over in [this thread] on Railroadforums.com (no registration needed). - NDHolmes
DRGW HERITAGE UNIT UNVEILED Posted Monday, June 19 2006 at 1629 h MDT The D&RGW unit has been unveiled, and is in Burnham today getting a little prep work before going into service. Kevin Morgan (among many others) was able to catch the unveiling on Saturday and posted photos [here], as well as a few more from Sunday morning [here]. I've got quite a few in my email, and as I get better network access, I'll get them posted.
Sorry I'm a little slow on this, but in the last 24 hours, I've been in four time zones (started yesterday in Des Moines, IA, and ended in Anchorage). - NDHolmes
GATO TANK NO MORE Posted Monday, June 19 2006 at 1623 h MDT Thanks to years of neglect and no known effort to preserve it, the Gato tank has collapsed. I noticed it in a post by Rod Jensen on NGDF [here]. For those who want to see the tank before it collapsed, see Photo 79 in this [trip report]. - NDHolmes
D&RGW HERITAGE UNIT PUBLIC VIEWING Posted Wednesday, June 14 2006 at 1243 h MDT I just saw that Union Pacific's John Bromley posted the following on Trainorders.com: "We will unveil the DRGW heritage unit at the Denver North Yard on Saturday for our employees. A crane will lift the tarp up late in the morning. Because of the high level of interest we've decided to show off the unit to the public on Sunday as well from 9 am to noon behind the superintendent's office. I would caution that there will be no access to any other Union Pacific facilties during that time. We're looking forward to everyone's reaction. Dave Markes at our Bailey Lauerman design team did a terrific job on this unit." So, if you're in Denver on Sunday, it sounds like the public will get the chance to see the new motor from up close and personal. - NDHolmes
MORE D&RGW HERITAGE UNIT NEWS Posted Tuesday, June 13 2006 at 1002 h MDT UP 1989, the D&RGW Heritage Unit, has arrived (tarped) in Denver for this Saturday's unveiling. A few pictures have started popping up. The underframe is silver, and at least the pilot is good old D&RGW Aspen Gold. Probably the most interesting ones are on Paul Birkholz's Mountain West Rail site [here]. A peek through a break in the tarp shows something that looks like a modification on the classic four-stripe F unit scheme. Or it may be orange stripes on a black unit. For those with access to Trainorders.com, there's a thread on the unit, along with pictures from "Pinlifter" [here]. Let the speculation begin!
I'd like to create a gallery of this unit, from its creation at London through the paint shop at Horicon, the unveiling at Denver, and then its first few runs (hopefully across ex-DRGW territory). I clearly can't do this alone (or at all, since I'm out of town most of the next three weeks), so if anybody would like to help out with their photos, I'd greatly appreciate it. - NDHolmes
SL&RG RESUMES ANTONITO RUNS Posted Monday, June 12 2006 at 0929 h MDT The SL&RG briefly cancelled service between Alamosa and Antonito last week, on account of being unable to keep a reasonable schedule due to slow orders on that segment. As of Sunday, 11-Jun-2006, service has been restored - I caught [this] afternoon run down to Antonito as it was just departing Alamosa, and confirmed with railroad personnel that the runs were indeed back on. - NDHolmes
DRGW HERITAGE SD70ACE MOVING Posted Friday, June 9 2006 at 2121 h MDT The D&RGW Heritage SD70ACe is out of the Horicon paint shop and moving west towards Denver. Yes, it's tarped, but the bottom is silver and the front pilot is aspen gold - very close to the color used on the F and PA units. It looks like rumors of it being based on the classic single or four stripe paint schemes have some truth to them.
There's a photo of it on RailPictures.net (warning, set your pop-up blocker to overdrive...) [here]. If anybody catches it, I'd appreciate any photos you happen to get. I'd like to compile a photo album of its journey from EMD plant to unveiling (Denver, 17-Jun-2006) to first run. - NDHolmes
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