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GEORGETOWN GETS ANOTHER DIESEL Posted Friday, April 9 2010 at 1803 h MDT CBS4 in Denver is reporting that the Georgetown Loop has received another diesel engine in a story [here]. The diesel appears to be #60 from the Roaring Camp & Big Trees, a 56-ton GE originally built for Bethlehem Steel in LA as their #12 (per Wikipedia). I feel the need to remind everyone that Georgetown does have their steam engine back up and running again, so it's not all bad news - just more backup motive power. - NDHolmes
TWO MORE SLRG F40 MOTHER/SLUG SETS ON THE WAY Posted Saturday, April 3 2010 at 2156 h MDT I received word today that two more F40M-2F mother-slug sets for the San Luis & Rio Grande have been spotted in transit from American Motive Power in New York. The sets are SLRG 455-457 and SLRG 456-245 (powered unit listed first). They were on the move out of Rochester, NY, as of this morning. Outwardly, they look to be identical to the first set. [Here's] a picture of them that showed up on RRPictureArchives earlier today. - NDHolmes
D&RGW 489 PHOTO TRIP WITH A GREEN BOILER JACKET Posted Thursday, April 1 2010 at 1544 h MDT Russ Sperry has been spearheading an effort to get K-36 489 back into a green boiler jacket for some time, and it's finally going to happen. 489 is the only K-36 that can be reliably proven to have been painted with a green jacket, and this was only done for a Rocky Mountain Railroad Club excursion by the Salida shops in the 1950s. In May, 489 will once again receive a green jacket, and will run a special photo trip on Tuesday, 25-May-2010, from Antonito out to Osier and back. Obviously it'll include run-bys on the line, but also will include a night shoot at Osier set up by Michael Ripley. (For those not familiar with Michael's work, he's done many of the C&TS and D&S night shoots in the last few years, and does a mighty fine job of it.)
For those interested in riding, there are definitely still seats left - see [this page] on the official C&TS website. The cost is $250 for the caboose, or $215 for the rider boxcar. The trip is limited to fifty passengers. Also, be sure to mention if you're a Rocky Mountain Railroad Club member - those who are get a $20 discount.
- NDHolmes
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