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THREE MORE B39-8Es FOR THE SLRG Posted Friday, June 27 2014 at 1602 h MDT The SLRG has brought another three of their ex-LMX B39-8E locomotives to Colorado - SLRG 8537, 8539, and 8548. The three already have SLRG reporting marks, but have been on the AZER and TNMR for the last few years. Only 8537 is in full SLRG maroon paint - the other two are rustbucket LMX grey patch jobs. - NDHolmes
C&TS GOES DIGITAL Posted Friday, June 20 2014 at 1615 h MDT The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic has replaced their old radio system with a modern digital NXDN-based system as of May 2014, according to reports on both Trainorders and NGDF.
The signal is now all digital, so analog scanners will no longer work for monitoring the C&TS. No NXDN-capable scanner is yet made, so at the moment your options are do it the old-fashioned way (sit, wait for smoke), buy an NXDN radio and have it programmed to be receive-only (expensive, inflexible), or investigate software defined radio solutions that can decode NXDN (bulky, requires a receiver and a laptop to do the decoding).
This is what we have to look forward to with all railroad radio transmissions in the next 5-10 years as analog is phased out.
There's a certain irony in one of the oldest Colorado railroads being the first to convert to the most modern radio technology, but given their insular nature and need for better radio coverage, it makes sense. - NDHolmes
LARGE ROCK LANDS ON TP MAIN AT MINTURN Posted Friday, June 20 2014 at 1039 h MDT A large chunk of Minturn's "Lionshead Rock" broke free in early March, rolling down the hill and coming to rest on the former D&RGW Tennessee Pass mainline.
Chris Walker sent me a link to a photo of the damage done to the tracks, taken by one of the locals and posted on Flickr. It's amazing how much damage a rock the size of a minivan can really do...
If UP ever does decide to use the pass again, the fact this thing is gone will likely be one of the first clues that something is up. - NDHolmes
AMTRAK ACS-64 #614 COMING ON SATURDAY Posted Friday, June 13 2014 at 1302 h MDT Amtrak's eastbound California Zephyr will be hauling another of the new Siemens ACS-64 electrics across the former D&RGW system tomorrow. Reports from Trainorders are that #614 is spliced between the two motors on #6(13), which left California this morning. The leader is AMTK 197. - NDHolmes
A K-37 RETURNS TO STEAM Posted Wednesday, June 11 2014 at 1526 h MDT After ten years of having no operating K-37s anywhere, the Colorado Railroad Museum has brought DRGW 491 to life once again. 491 was pulled just slightly out of the roundhouse yesterday and spotted smoking a bit. Later in the day, the CRRM posted an update on [their Facebook page] showing 491 smoking away. They're apparently doing more tests this week, but I'd expect it to be up and running (barring issues) for the Museum's Wild West Day next weekend (the 21st). - NDHolmes
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