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OPENING DAY Posted Sunday, May 28 2006 at 1047 h MDT This week marked the opening weekend for four of the Colorado tourist haulers - the Georgetown Loop, the new San Luis & Rio Grande trains, the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic, and the Leadville, Colorado & Southern. I wasn't able to make opening day on any of them, since I'm in Iowa at the moment, but I'll post links to other peoples' first day chasing. The only ones I've gotten so far are of the C&TS. So, here are Jay Wimer's pics [here] and then more pics from "gringo" on the Goat [here]. Nathan Z. was on one of the first few SL&RG trains, so hopefully I'll be able to post a few photos from him later on. Anybody else have a collection of opening day pictures they'd like to share? - NDHolmes
SL&RG INTERMODAL TRAINS Posted Sunday, May 28 2006 at 1029 h MDT The San Luis & Rio Grande will be storing three strings of idled intermodal cars west of Del Norte. Nathan Z. let me know last night that the first of three sets moved from La Veta to Alamosa last night, and then this morning (Sun, 28-May-2006) would be moving the cars west from the East Alamosa yard to somewhere out on the unused line. - NDHolmes
SL&RG DERAILMENT Posted Tuesday, May 23 2006 at 0939 h MDT The San Luis & Rio Grande suffered a derailment this morning, Tuesday, 23-May-2006. Reports are that there are eleven cars on the ground between La Veta and Walsenburg. That's all I know at this time, but I'll post updates if I hear anything. Even if cleanup takes more than a few days (and it shouldn't), it shouldn't be an issue for the startup of passenger service this weekend, since the passenger runs will operate west of La Veta. Thanks to CZ for letting us know via Trainorders. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5371 SURVIVES AGAIN Posted Tuesday, May 16 2006 at 1746 h MDT I just got news forwarded via Kirk Rogers that 5371 has once again escaped the evil yellow patch. It's out of the shop from its routine inspection and will be headed back to Helper either tonight or tomorrow night. Barring any unforseen failures, she should be safe for another 90 days. The Grande lives! - NDHolmes
NEW TRIP REPORT - 844 ACROSS OK-TX-NM Posted Tuesday, May 9 2006 at 0929 h MDT I spent last weekend chasing UP 844 and the "UP South Central Express Heritage Tour 2006" from Guymon, OK, over to Vaughn, NM. Between interesting weather, heavy traffic, and high train speeds, the whole thing was a challenge to shoot. You definitely won't find the next railfan magazine cover in there, but for decent coverage of the run, see the new trip report posted [here]. - NDHolmes
SILVER VISTA IN SERVICE Posted Thursday, May 4 2006 at 2226 h MDT The Durango & Silverton's replica of the famed Silver Vista is now in revenue service. It's official first run will be Saturday, 6-May-2006 as previously reported, but it's been making several test runs on the back of trains this week. The Durango Herald has two photos on their site [here]. In addition, the official Durango & Silverton page about the car has been updated [here] with a few photos from construction and from the test run. For a better look at the test run, you'll want to be sure to check out the ten or so photos that Mac (from the D&S) posted on NGDF in [this thread]. - NDHolmes
FIRST PATCHES, NOW REPAINTS Posted Thursday, May 4 2006 at 2213 h MDT UP 1356 and UP 1363 were patched ex-DRGW GP40-2s, 3103 and 3111 respectively. Largely, however, they still looked like Rio Grande units. On 11-Apr-2006, however, both were sent to the Jenks Shops in North Little Rock, AR, and both have been repainted into full Union Pacific paint. 1363 left Jenks on 21-Apr-2006, and 1356 was done a few days later. Rumor has it (from only a single anonymous source, so far) that UP has decided that the GP40-2s will be kept for the long term, and thus warrant a coat of fresh paint. I suspect we'll see more of these repaint jobs in the months to come. Bill Parker sent [this picture] of UP 1356/ex-DRGW 3103 as it passed through Sparks in early April, about a week before it was shopped. - NDHolmes
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