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6936 AND 1989 OVER THE MOFFAT ON FRIDAY Posted Thursday, July 7 2011 at 1845 h MDT The word is that UP Centennial 6936 and heritage unit 1989 will be leading an engineering special east from SLC on Friday. Estimated time through GJT is 1530h, but Id expect them to beat that. Update (1320h 7/8): The train (SSCDV-08) is showing a crew call at Bond for 1445h, with an estimated Bond departure of 1600h. - NDHolmes
POSSIBLE MOVEMENT WEST OF PARKDALE Posted Tuesday, July 5 2011 at 2358 h MDT There's a report on Trainorders that UP intends to send AC4400s 6523 and 6271 out beyond the current end of operable track at Parkdale tomorrow, Wednesday, 6 Jul 2011. I don't have any other confirmation, but if you happen to be in the Gorge with nothing else to do tomorrow, you might want to take a camera. - NDHolmes
RAILFEST TRIPS/PRICES ANNOUNCED Posted Tuesday, July 5 2011 at 1056 h MDT The D&S has finally announced the schedule for Railfest 2011, coming up in only a little over six weeks. Guest equipment this year will be RGS Goose 5 and Eureka & Palisades #4. Full details can be found on the D&S website [here]. - NDHolmes
RIO GRANDE SCENIC (SLRG) PHOTO TRIP TO BENEFIT 463 Posted Tuesday, July 5 2011 at 1052 h MDT Catching up on website updates, I saw on the Friends of the C&TS news that the Rio Grande Scenic (the passenger operation of the San Luis & Rio Grande) has pledged half of each ticket sold on their Photo Spectacular this fall to help with the restoration of D&RGW K-27 #463. I've previously mentioned the trip, but it's two days (August 22-23) working from Alamosa to La Veta and back photographing both steam and diesel operations over the pass. At $299, it was a bargain anyway, and now you'll be helping out another worthy D&RGW-related cause.
Details are [here for the 463 announcement] and [here for trip details]. I booked on shortly after the trip was originally announced, so I hope to see some of you there. - NDHolmes
A FEW SHORT TRIPS - A LATE AMTRAK AND TENNESSEE PASS Posted Monday, July 4 2011 at 1711 h MDT Amazingly, I've actually found some time to go out railfanning over the last couple weeks. I'm sure my life will find some way to get back at me for that.
First up is last weekend's horribly late westbound California Zephyr. Amtrak 5/24 departed Chicago 2-1/2 hours late, and continued hemorrhaging time across Iowa. In particular, it dropped nearly four hours on the flood-ravaged Creston Sub in western Iowa and eastern Nebraska.
I picked it up leaving Fort Morgan (Colorado) at 1543h MDT, when it was officially 10 hours and 38 minutes late. Other than just being a rare daylight Amtrak going with the light in eastern Colorado, it also had Amtrak Phase III heritage unit 145 on the point. Amtrak's painted a number of its units in semi-historic schemes to celebrate its 40th year this year. This was the first one I'd actually gotten to see, so I followed it all the way up until we lost light at Pinecliffe. Photos from that trip are [here].
On Friday (Jul 1), they let us have part of the afternoon off in preparation for the long weekend. So, having decent weather and one of the convertibles, I headed up and over Tennessee Pass to just check on things. I didn't expect any great discoveries, given that it hasn't seen a train in between 9-14 years, depending on the stretch, but found a few interesting things. Plus I thought those who don't live out here might be interested in the current state of things atop the divide. Photos from Friday are [here]. - NDHolmes
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