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DRGW 315 UNDER STEAM AGAIN Posted Saturday, August 25 2007 at 0805 h MDT DRGW 315, the C-18 that has been in a Durango park for the last 57 years, came back to night last night as it stepped out of the Durango roundhouse under its own power to a huge round of applause from the waiting crowd. It didn't go far - out onto the turntable to pose for pictures, up past the ash pit for a blowdown, and then eventually to the ash pit to dump the fire and head back to its bay, but it did indeed run. A huge congratulations and thanks is in order for everyone at the Durango Railroad Historical Society that made this happen over the last seven years.
It was supposed to be out for the night photo shoot last night, but some problem arose that necessitated dumping the fire. So, I didn't get as many photos as I'd have liked, but I did manage a few. I've posted them [here]. - NDHolmes
UP 844 & 1989 TO THE FAIR TOMORROW Posted Friday, August 24 2007 at 1435 h MDT UP 844 and diesel helper UP 1989 (the Rio Grande heritage unit) will be making their way south from Denver to Pueblo tomorrow (Saturday, 25-Aug-2007) with a passenger special to the Colorado State Fair. The word on Trainorders is that they'll try to get the coal trains out of the way and run it down the southbound main, rather than past specials, which have run wrong-main to avoid traffic. Best of luck to anybody out there chasing it tomorrow, and remember to be safe around all that traffic. - NDHolmes
315 MOVING TO THE D&SNG - RIGHT NOW! Posted Friday, August 17 2007 at 1307 h MDT Just saw that Mark Czerwinski posted on the Goat that D&RGW 315 is being moved from its home in the park to the Durango & Silverton right now (Friday, 17-Aug-2007, around noon). Once there, it will be put through its paces and final testing to ready it for runs at next week's Railfest 2007. If anybody gets pictures, I'd very much like to post a few. - NDHolmes
GEORGETOWN LOOP SUSPENDS SERVICE Posted Friday, August 10 2007 at 0927 h MDT Georgetown Loop #12 has apparently suffered some sort of failure. The new diesel is not scheduled to arrive until September now and #9 is down pending yet another rebuild, leaving them without motive power. Thus, the Loop has now announced [via their website] that no trains will run until further notice (which they say will likely be mid-August). - NDHolmes
RAILFEST 2007 SCHEDULE POSTED Posted Saturday, August 4 2007 at 2243 h MDT The Durango & Silverton has posted the final schedule for Railfest 2007. You can find it on their website [here]. The runs with 315 are not on there, presumably because 315 is still being completed. I look forward to seeing some of you there! - NDHolmes
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