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A MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE D&RGW? Posted Monday, October 30 2000 at 1706 h MST M. Keith Williams, of drgw.org fame, has been contacted by a "group of entrepreneurs to assist them in assessing the feasibility of creating a magazine devoted to the Denver & Rio Grande Western." Clearly, we'd like as many people as possible to hear about it and respond to their Rio Grande Magazine Interest Survey. I'll be adding a more permanent link later this evening, but wanted to get the word out as soon as possible. - NDHolmes
NEW SPRINGS YARD SWITCHER Posted Monday, October 30 2000 at 1639 h MST I'm glad to say that, despite losing DRGW3084 here in the Springs, it's been replaced by DRGW3121. I haven't actually been down to see it yet, but that's what the trace says tonight. In other news, the five TMs that were in Elko last night have all returned to Roper, UT, so we may see them again across central Utah and Colorado. - NDHolmes
NEW DRGW MECCA AND COLO SPGS YARD POWER NEWS Posted Monday, October 30 2000 at 0805 h MST Usually I don't report on D&RGW power locations unless they happen to fall on ex-D&RGW routes, but this I think deserves special notice. As of this morning, there were five tunnel motors in Elko, NV: 5361, 5371, 5376, 5377, and 5410. In other news, DRGW3084 was removed from Colorado Springs yard service and has been in Burham for the last few days. It's due out this morning, hopefully it will be returning as no other replacement has yet shown up. - NDHolmes
WEEKEND CATCHUP Posted Sunday, October 29 2000 at 1914 h MST Finally home, glad I didn't miss posting any major news. So, to wrap up the weekend: DRGW 5505 GONE: 5505 is currently in the Jenks Shops undergoing a major overhaul - it was reported sitting indoors without a prime mover or main generator (really an alternator, just for note). Mostly likely it will be yellow when returned to service. THREE TUNNEL MOTORS: They also appear to be gone from ex-DRGW trackage at the moment, but are headed back to Utah from Nevada - there is hope. DRGW ON THE EX-DRGW: 5390 is working west to Roper tonight (10/29) and tomorrow (10/30), and 3054 is headed for North Yard, due to arrive early tomorrow (10/30) morning. - NDHolmes
T-MOTORS BACK TO ROPER Posted Thursday, October 26 2000 at 1548 h MDT Our luck hasn't run out yet - looks like the trio of motors in N Yard (5361, 5376, 5377) are headed back west to Roper on tonight's MDVRO, and even on the point, followed by some UP/SP stuff. Thanks to Joe McMillan and the DRGW list for this one. (!@#$, stuck at work...) - NDHolmes
TENN PASS RUMOR MILL AGAIN Posted Thursday, October 26 2000 at 1302 h MDT Evidently, on Tuesday UP officials met with Eagle County groups interested in the Tennessee Pass corridor, and the following info was passed along via Altamont Press: However, Union Pacific officials stated that near-capacity train traffic on the rail line running through Moffat Tunnel near Winter Park may cause the Tennessee Pass corridor to reopen, and that liability issues would be serious hurdles to clear before U.P. considers selling, leasing or granting an easement for the corridor property. - NDHolmes
THURSDAY TIDBITS Posted Thursday, October 26 2000 at 0934 h MDT MOTOR ON THE MOVE: For anyone out in Utah, 5372 is travelling west on MRODV - no clue where it is in the consist. MOTORS TO WATCH: With 5361, 5376, and 5377 in North Yard, they may get MDVRO again today, but no confirmation on this yet. DRGW3118 & DRGW3109 ARE SAFE: Contrary to speculation that 3109 & 3118 may have been patched, I can personally vouch for the fact they're okay in black and orange - I saw them yesterday in Glenwood. OVERDUE TRIP REPORTS: I know I'm behind on the trip reports - I haven't even gotten last weekend's trip to the Moffat up, and now I have one of the three TMs on the front of MRODV yesterday, and Monday I'll have one from New Mexico to post as a side benefit of a trip to Santa Rosa. I promise I'll be a more prolific author... UPDATE (10/27 - 0100h): Both trip reports are up, and I'm even done packing to go diving this weekend. Sheesh, and I've only got to be to work in six hours. - NDHolmes
THREE TUNNEL MOTORS ON MDVRO TONIGHT Posted Monday, October 23 2000 at 1640 h MDT As I guessed earlier today, 5361, 5376, and 5377 are coupled together and are assigned to MDVRO tonight (10/23). They're supposedly to have left Denver at 1545h, but due to dreary weather here I doubt there will be enough light left beyond western Denver. Still... Hopefully those on the western slope will have better luck tomorrow. A big thanks to Joe McMillan for notifying the DRGW list of this one. - NDHolmes
T-MOTORS IN DENVER AND NEW TRIP REPORT Posted Monday, October 23 2000 at 1047 h MDT DRGW 5361, 5376, and 5377 all arrived North Yard this morning (10/23) at 0620h (presumably from Burnham). This would suggest that maybe they're linked together, and there might be a small chance they'll go out on the same train. We can hope, right? In other news, I spent Saturday railfanning the Moffat from N Yard to East Portal, and will be posting a trip report this evening after work. Highlights include an all-SP powered manifest at Rollinsville, lots of action at East Portal, and video of Amtrak #6. - NDHolmes
WEEKEND UPDATE Posted Friday, October 20 2000 at 1443 h MDT For all of you who think I'm going to Helper for the weekend like I announced yesterday, alas, it's not so. Looks like some ugly weather for the weekend, so I'm going to be doing things around home instead, and maybe some railfanning the Front Range this afternoon / tomorrow (Saturday). - NDHolmes
DRGW 5371 ARRIVING IN DENVER Posted Thursday, October 19 2000 at 0857 h MDT According to the public trace this morning, DRGW 5371 will be arriving in Denver early tomorrow morning (10/20 - around 0100h, to be exact) from Ogallala, NE. Hopefully that means we'll see it on MDVRO or some such tomorrow, as I'm headed west to Helper for the weekend. If anybody else is going to be there, let me know. - NDHolmes
DRGW5377 HEADED WEST TO ROPER Posted Tuesday, October 17 2000 at 2143 h MDT Just reran a trace on the tip that there might be D&RGW units headed south on the J/L (there aren't, don't get excited), but did notice that 5377 cleared Plainview at 2033h tonight (10/17). No word where it is in the consist. - NDHolmes
UP CENTENNIAL 6936 Posted Tuesday, October 17 2000 at 0822 h MDT Just a reminder to everyone, the UP Engineering special will be traversing the Moffat line today, with DD40AX 6936 on the front. The complete lineup and schedule can be found on this thread over atTrainorders.Unfortunately looks like I won't be able to make it out - too much work... Update (10/17 - 1322h): Looks like the train finally made it to Denver - 6936 traced at North Yard at 1309h - NDHolmes
DRGW3126 HEADED BACK TO DENVER Posted Monday, October 16 2000 at 0949 h MDT DRGW 3126, the Geep that led MDVRO on Saturday, is now headed back to Denver! It traced at Helper, UT early this morning (10/16), and is expected to arrive back here on the Front Range after midnight (around 0145h on 10/17). Note that 3126 also still has the full light package. Update (10/16 - 0954h): I really should check the list before posting such things - Paul @ MWR notes that 3126 is once again on the point! This may mean they're going to take it off in Grand Junction, however - NDHolmes
DRGW 5353 WESTBOUND TO ROPER Posted Sunday, October 15 2000 at 1214 h MDT Judging by the UP public trace, it appears that DRGW 5353 will be headed west on MDVRO today (10/15), leaving Denver around 1600h. No word yet where it will be in the consist. Update (10/15 - 1612h): Looks like 5353 will be quite a way back in the consist unfortunately - thanks to the Pauls from the DRGW list for saving me a trip to Denver! - NDHolmes
DRGW3126 LEADS MDVRO TONIGHT Posted Saturday, October 14 2000 at 1909 h MDT Finished catching up on my email now that I'm home, only to learn that 3126 is leading tonight and made it to the Front Range still in the light. Well, I'm dumb and missed it, but I'm posting this so anybody to the west may have a chance tomorrow (if it doesn't get dropped off in Grand Junction, as is current speculation from the list). - NDHolmes
AMERICAN ORIENT EXPRESS Posted Saturday, October 14 2000 at 1907 h MDT Just returned from a trip up along the Moffat to photograph the American Orient Express. Despite the rather dreary weather, it still made for some interesting photographs. I'll hopefully get a trip report posted yet tonight. In much worse news, however, it appears that three vandals hurled rocks at the train from on top of Tunnel #1, and rolled a 40-50 pound boulder on to the third or fourth car. If anyone else was out, I'd strongly encourage them to share with authorities anything that might lead to the arrest of these three. BTW, I'm the guy in the leather jacket with the maroon/silver Blazer with Iowa plates which was parked west of the Colorado 72 bridge at the time, so try not to turn me in, okay? Update (10/15 - 0149h): I've posted a few of the photos and some text drivel to the Trip Reports page. - NDHolmes
CORRECTION ON THE AOE OUT OF DENVER Posted Friday, October 13 2000 at 1441 h MDT Oops, being not quite awake when I posted the bit on the AOE, I mistakenly listed the American Orient Express as leaving Denver today (Friday, 10/13) at 1400h. That's a mistype (I copied the date wrong, and consequently put the wrong day in) - it's leaving tomorrow, Saturday (10/14) at 1400h, and going west over the Moffat behind two Amtrak locos (ATMK 805 & 814). Sorry about this one, that's what I get for not proofreading everything. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5353 ARRIVING IN DENVER TONIGHT Posted Friday, October 13 2000 at 1433 h MDT Looks like, according to the public trace, DRGW 5353 will be departing Cheyenne tonight at around 1900h and arriving in Denver tomorrow (10/14) at 0345h. Obviously, I don't have idea where it's headed after that, but I'll keep everyone updated as information becomes available. - NDHolmes
UP CENTENNIAL OVER THE MOFFAT NEXT TUESDAY Posted Thursday, October 12 2000 at 1655 h MDT A Union Pacific Engineering Special, including UP 6936 (the remaining DD40AX) will be arriving in Denver at approximately 1030h on Tuesday, Oct 17. Later that day, the special will depart westward towards Grand Junction for a stop that evening. In other news, it's also said that the American Orient Express will be departing Denver on Saturday (10/14) at 1400h, powered by a pair of Amtrak units. I don't have any information on where it will be headed, however. Thanks to The Colorado Zephyr for providing this. - NDHolmes
TRAFFIC TO MINTURN AGAIN Posted Wednesday, October 11 2000 at 1617 h MDT Apparently UP is delivering cars to Minturn to supply the Herzog cleanup crew working along the Tennessee Pass line. As of this afternoon, there appear to be 15 gons, delivered by UP 5718 and 3926 Tuesday (10/10) around noon. Sorry to say it's not a permanent source of traffic, but at least something will have to go pick them up. Currently, the Herzog crew appears to be around milepost 277. Thanks to Paul Birkholz at Mountain West Rail and the DRGW list for this one. - NDHolmes
DRGW 3085 MOVING WEST Posted Tuesday, October 10 2000 at 1330 h MDT According to the UP tracer, DRGW3085 is expected to move west leaving North Yard today (10/10) at 1400h, and arriving in Grand Junction in the very early morning hours of tomorrow (0100h on 10/11). Just a heads up for anyone out there with a camera - the light's finally good today in Colorado. - NDHolmes
DRGW 3126 WORKING EAST ON MRODV Posted Saturday, October 7 2000 at 0034 h MDT For anyone in Denver who'd see this before morning, Paul from Mountain West Rail just posted to the D&RGW mailing list that DRGW 3126 is working east to Denver on MRODV tonight. It's expected in Denver around 0840h this morning (10/7), and at last check scanned at Radium, CO, slightly after midnight. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5502 LEAVING DENVER AND ETC Posted Friday, October 6 2000 at 1245 h MDT I'm sorry to say, though, that it will not be over the Moffat or the J/L. It seems to have been assigned to a train leaving North Yard at 1542h today (10/6) for North Platte, NE. Other than that, it looks to be a fairly quiet news day, so I'll throw in that we joined the D&RGW web ring last night at Keith's invitation. Hopefully this will mean more visibility for DRGW.NET - now if I could just get some content done. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5360 HEADING FOR UTAH Posted Thursday, October 5 2000 at 1414 h MDT The UP trace shows DRGW5360 leaving North Yard today (10/5) at around 1600h, bound for Roper. As a reminder, 5502 is still headed back for Denver, due in around midnight. That's it, it's been a slow day. - NDHolmes
DRGW5502 RETURNS Posted Thursday, October 5 2000 at 0814 h MDT After going west to Roper a couple days ago, it looks like UP has decided to send it back, rather than on to California as I expected. It's headed east to Denver again, and passed Mounds, UT, at 0701h this morning (10/5) - it's expected in Denver tomorrow morning at 0015h. - NDHolmes
NEW EMAIL NEWS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Posted Tuesday, October 3 2000 at 2321 h MDT Want to be informed every time one of us posts a bit of DRGW news to the site? We've just added email notifications - all you have to do is subscribe to the list. Just send email to majordomo@drgw.net with the line "subscribe drgwnewslist" in the body - without the quotes, of course! Then, every time we post news, you'll receive a handy little note in your inbox. - NDHolmes
SD50 5502 MOVING WEST TO ROPER!!! Posted Tuesday, October 3 2000 at 1302 h MDT The UP trace just updated - DRGW5502 will be headed west over the Moffat line to Roper Yard (Utah), and is expected to leave North Yard (Denver) today (10/3) at 1430h. UPDATE: 5502 passed Bond at 2250h (10/3) - it's not expected at Roper until 1735h tomorrow (10/4), so everyone out in Utah will have a chance at it... - NDHolmes
CIRCUS TRAIN OVER THE MOFFAT LINE Posted Tuesday, October 3 2000 at 1045 h MDT Last night (10/2-10/3) the Ringling Bros circus train came over the Moffat, led by SP140, SP8666, UP3314 and UP3345. It evidently arrived in Denver around 0630h this morning (10/3). Thanks to everyone on the D&RGW list for providing information. In other news, DRGW5502 (an apparently lost SD50) is still in Denver, and not yet assigned to an outbound train. I'm still hoping it gets on MDVPU tonight. - NDHolmes
SD50 OUT OF DENVER DIESEL Posted Monday, October 2 2000 at 1618 h MDT According to the latest trace information, DRGW5502 will be released from Burnham/DenDiesel by 1900h today (10/1/2000) and put in North Yard. I'll keep everyone posted if it gets assigned to a train - and if someone else happens to see what's happening to it, please send me a message. - NDHolmes
UP DIRECTORS SPECIAL BACK OVER THE MOFFAT Posted Sunday, October 1 2000 at 0139 h MDT As expected, the UP Board of Directors special is moving back over the Moffat on Saturday and Sunday - it traced at Grand Junction at 1444h on 9/30. I have no idea what the expected schedule is, but if someone has it, I'll post it. UPDATE 10/1-1:30pm: The business train passed Dotsero at 12:35 after waiting for track work on the Moffat. - NDHolmes
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