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FORMER C&W JANSEN YARD SHOWS LIFE Posted Sunday, March 27 2011 at 1808 h MDT Back in 2003, the former Colorado & Wyoming Railway was abandoned and torn out the 28 miles from Jansen to the New Elk metallurgical coal mine near Stonewall, CO. This marked the end of over 100 years of operating the line, built between 1901-1903 to serve Colorado Fuel & Iron coal mines throughout the Purgatoire River valley west of Trinidad.
Over the last 18 months, Cline Mining Corporation has rehabilitated the New Elk Mine, and has restarted production within the last couple of months. For the time being, that production plan involves trucking the coal to the railhead at Jansen and loading via front end loaders. They intend to move to an interim conveyer and flood loader system at the yard in short order. Then, within the next two years, the plan is to rebuild the branch to give direct rail access to the mine's prep plant.
The first signs of this actually happening are starting to appear at the Jansen yard (just west of Trinidad). The most noticeable thing is a bright red SD40-2 - JLCX 3312 - showing up on the property. The unit is former UP 3312, one of the "Fast Forty" SD40-2s bought to run with the DDA40X Centennials. Also, a conveyer is being assembled in the yard, and the framework of what appears to be a loader has been built over the west switch. (I just have to add - Really? Over the switch? The best place to put a loader was right above something that could become jammed with coal?)
I went out yesterday exploring the old D&RG grade from Pueblo south to Trinidad, and then some of the old coal branches up the side canyons south of Trinidad. I figured I was already that close, I'd might as well stop and get some pictures. So, for those interested, have a look [here]. - NDHolmes
WE'RE FINALLY BACK... I THINK Posted Sunday, March 27 2011 at 1615 h MDT The short version of what happened starts in early February, when my current server had a failing disk, and to avoid downtime my hosting company just provisioned a new server. I moved quickly and transparently from one to the other, and have been there ever since. Too bad they never updated their database about which server I was on...
Wednesday afternoon, they needed to provision a new server for another client. Given that the list of machines had not been updated, mine showed as "not in use", and they formatted it and put a new OS image on. Everything was trashed in a matter of minutes.
The worse news came when I discovered my backups hadn't been running reliably at home. The last time they ran was the night before I moved servers, so everything from the last two months was gone. Fortunately, most of it was still sitting in my browser cache, Google's cache, or in my temp directory. The only thing I know we lost were some roster updates I'd finally gotten around to making, but even those I'm working on recovering. - NDHolmes
BRIDGE TIES FOR LOBATO ARRIVE CHAMA Posted Tuesday, March 8 2011 at 1402 h MST Roger Hogan just posted pictures to NGDF of a truckload of new ties arriving in Chama. Looks like reconstruction is on schedule! His photos can be found [here]. - NDHolmes
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