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PUEBLO DERAILMENT Posted Tuesday, October 30 2001 at 2310 h MST I don't know much yet, but apparently there's been a derailment in or near Pueblo on the Joint Line blocking some of the old Rio Grande trackage. I don't know much (anything...), but apparently a southbound train out of Denver was told that he'd be tying up short of Pueblo tonight. Thanks to Kevin Morgan and the DRGW list for this one - updates will get posted as I get them. At least it wasn't at Palmer Lake yet again... - NDHolmes
DRGW 5376 PATCHED, ex-DRGW 5400 REPAIRED Posted Tuesday, October 30 2001 at 2306 h MST DRGW 5376 was patched earlier this week (sometime between 28-Oct-2001 and 30-Oct-2001) to UP 8631 at Fort Worth, TX. That leaves 13 T-2s in original Rio Grande paint, untouched by the yellow spray gun. In better news, though, after six months of sitting in the dead line at Jenks (North Little Rock), DRGW 5400 was been returned to service as UP 8593 on 20-Oct-2001. It's made trips to Texas and Mexico, and appears to be back in the shops, but hopefully it will be back out and on the road shortly. Dan S. managed to get a photo of 5400 (patched to 8593) sitting dead at North Little Rock on 3-Sept-2001. (Reposted with permission from this Trainorders.com thread.) While it's not in untouched Rio Grande paint, it does apparently have working nose lights and very good paint yet, so it's still definitely a win for us fans. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5401 NORTHBOUND WITH COAL TRAIN Posted Sunday, October 14 2001 at 2240 h MDT This afternoon DRGW 5401 and 5361 (separated by UP 9057, and leading two BNSF SD70MACS) left Pueblo with an empty coal train and stopped briefly in Colorado Springs for a meet, where our own Michael Petersen happened to see them. He notified me of their presence, and the pursuit was on. I caught them initially in Colorado Springs, then again in Palmer Lake (#1 and #2), then again in Greenland, and finally passing north out of Larkspur (#4 and #5) They're getting rarer by the day - get them soon. - NDHolmes
TRIP REPORT: TRIPLE-HEADER ON THE C&TS Posted Monday, October 8 2001 at 2159 h MDT Last Saturday brought a huge train eastbound out of Chama, NM, on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic (the former D&RGW narrow mainline to the San Juans of southwest Colorado), as well as good light and good foliage color. It was a very enjoyable (and productive) day of shooting and talking with other fans, and hopefully next year I'll make it back as a passenger. The results are posted in yet another new Photo Trip Report over here. - NDHolmes
MORE ROSTER CHANGES Posted Monday, October 8 2001 at 2157 h MDT SP 5517, ex-DRGW 5517, was repainted to UP 5111 and SP 5352 (ex-DRGW 5352) was repainted to UP 8610, both on 5-Oct-2001 at Jenks in North Little Rock, AR. At least it wasn't any real black and gold down today... In other news, the Rio Grande power that's been rusting in the dead lines in Council Bluffs is being moved east (presumably Cycle Systems on the east coast). Included are 5322 (one of the two remaining SD45s), 3142, 3087, and 5391. Sorry to see them go, especially 5322. Update (10/8 - 2300h): I've cleaned out the unit lists on Locotrace to exclude units that have been shipped off to the scrapper over the past few months. Units retired but still on the UP system are still listed. - NDHolmes
NEW PHOTOS FROM TODAY'S SPECIAL Posted Thursday, October 4 2001 at 2008 h MDT I managed to get the morning off to catch up with the UP Engineering Special at Pueblo, and had time to follow it as far north as Palmer Lake, CO. Led by DRGW 3097, DRGW 3128, and SSW 7652, this is surely a sight that won't be repeated. I've posted a few photos from today's short trip under the Trip Reports section of the site. Enjoy! - NDHolmes
UP ENGINEERING TRAIN UPDATE Posted Thursday, October 4 2001 at 1417 h MDT DRGW 3097, followed by DRGW 3128 and SSW 7652 and a whole pile of big yellow passenger cars, should be about to arrive in Denver (as of 1415h on 4-Oct). The train departed Alamosa at 0545h, passed Pueblo around 1100h after what appeared to be a quick crew change, Colo Sprgs around 1215h, and Palmer Lake at 1255h. They're going to change power in Denver by taking off the Grande GP40-2s and put on UP 6936, the Centennial, and then head out for a destination of Grand Junction tonight, and points further west on Friday. - NDHolmes
DRGW-POWERED ENGINEERING SPECIAL TO ALAMOSA Posted Wednesday, October 3 2001 at 1651 h MDT Apparently UP is running an engineering special to Alamosa tonight, powered by Rio Grande units. Thanks to a report by Bryan J on the DRGW list, the train apparently was spotted southbound at Fountain, CO, around 1245h. My guess is that the units in question are DRGW 3128 and possibly DRGW 5361, as both have had trace irregularities in the past day. It also appears that UP has modified the trace to mask passenger movements, as the Es are no longer traceable, and this train isn't showing up either. Update (10/3 - 1800h): The power for the train in question is almost certainly DRGW 3097 and DRGW 3128, both having departed Denver, CO, this morning at 0925h with absolutely no destination. Six-axle units wouldn't be a good fit for the Alamosa line anyway. Update #2 (10/3 - 2100h): I've got conflicting reports on estimated backhaul to Denver, but it seems clear that the train will either return in the early morning (arriving Denver mid-morning) or in the late afternoon, receive the Centennial back for power (UP 6936), and head west over the Moffat. Be safe and responsible out there, folks - UP is probably keeping fairly tight security on this one and I don't want you doing anything dumb. - NDHolmes
SD50 5515 REPAINTED Posted Wednesday, October 3 2001 at 1217 h MDT DRGW 5515 becomes the first full repaint after a few weeks of stability in the roster. As of this morning (and several weeks in North Little Rock), DRGW 5515 became UP 5109. Thanks to Jim H. for noticing before I even woke up this morning. I should mention that with this, it leaves us with only SD50s 5503 and 5507 still in DRGW paint. - NDHolmes
CIRCUS TRAIN ON THE MOFFAT Posted Monday, October 1 2001 at 0807 h MDT The Ringling Bros, Barnum and Bailey circus train (don't know red or blue, but would assume red) will be working its way over the Moffat Line shortly from SLC. They're due to arrive in Denver on or before 3-October-2001. I'll post any more information as I get it. Update (10/1 - 0930h): Reported to have left SLC at 0802h this morning, which should put them in GJ around late afternoon. Update Again (10/1 - 1500h): By Helper, UT, at 1144h this morning, estimated arrival into GJ at 1630h, according to the thread on Trainorders. Thanks to everyone posting information over there. - NDHolmes
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