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HELP FUND D&RGW C-16 #223;s RESTORATION Posted Friday, November 20 2015 at 1513 h MST The Golden Spike Chapter of the R&LHS - the folks who have been restoring D&RG(W) Grant 2-8-0 #223 - have turned to crowdfunding to try to raise money for the next phases of work. Their goal is an operating restoration by 2019.
The 223 is unique. It's the only Grant-built D&RG engine to survive. It's also the only C-16 that has a hope of being restored to service any time soon. Two other Class 60 / C-16 units survived - 268 and 278 - but both are Baldwin-built and are not likely to be considered for an operating restoration any time soon.
For those interested in what they've done so far, the best way to keep tabs on them is their Facebook page.
For those wanting to contribute to their current fundraising campaign, you can find them on GoFundMe at [this link]. - NDHolmes
ANOTHER ONE FOR THE TOWNER LINE Posted Friday, November 20 2015 at 1506 h MST Word has it that BNSF was supposed to deliver another cut of cars for storage out on the ex-MP Towner Line this afternoon. That brings us up to five trains of stored intermodal equipment out there. - NDHolmes
FRIENDS ANNOUNCE C&TS WINTER PLOW CHARTER Posted Tuesday, November 17 2015 at 1621 h MST The Friends of the C&TS have announced they intend to operate a winter snow train charter out of Antonito on the weekend of March 12-13, 2016.
From their website: Saturday March 12 will feature our snow-clearing flanger train with plow-equipped K36 #487 on the head end, Flanger OJ, Water Car 0471, Gondola 6205, Box Car 3244, Cook Car 053, Bunk Car 04407, and Cabooses 05635 & 503. We will depart the C&TS Depot in Antonito at approximately 5:30am for sunrise photos at Hangman’s Trestle. Our train will operate from Antonito to Big Horn.
Sunday March 13 will entail our train with #487 on the lead and Flanger OJ, Box Cars, Cook Car, Flat Car, Bunk Car and Cabooses departing from Antonito at approximately 9:00am. Our train will work west with the goal of reaching Sublette if winter weather conditions allow it. This will also allow us dusk photo opportunities at Lava Tank.
In the prior couple years, Historic Transport Preservation / Steam Specials has operated these trips. They announced they were not running one this year, and the FoCTS have stepped in to operate it instead.
Tickets are $795 for the two day trip, and are available [here].
Now, everybody hope for a wet, snowy winter here in Colorado. Plow trains don't look right running through dry desert. - NDHolmes
BURNHAM SHOPS CLOSING Posted Monday, November 16 2015 at 1736 h MST Union Pacific announced today that it will be closing Denver Diesel - the old Rio Grande Burnham Shops - on or around February 14, 2016. With coal traffic on the Grande having dwindled to near nothing, the need to maintain a large number of motors for heavy coal service has gone with it. Workers were apparently given 90 day notice today.
Update (11/17 - 1816h): The Denver Post has an article on the closure including more details [here]>. - NDHolmes
FRIENDS ANNOUNCE POTENTIAL MARCH FLANGER TRIP Posted Sunday, November 1 2015 at 2131 h MST Tim Tennant posted over on the Friends board that the FoCTS is in the planning stage of a spring flanger trip out of Antonito. They were initially targeting March 26 and 27, but somebody pointed out that's Easter Weekend. So it'll probably move, likely a week earlier I'm told. Things aren't quite finalized yet and as such, tickets aren't yet for sale. As soon as they announce officially, I'll post an update. (Well, okay, as soon as I get mine purchased I'll post the update...) - NDHolmes
TOWNER UPDATE - STORED WELL CARS Posted Sunday, November 1 2015 at 2122 h MST BNSF has delivered and stored at least three trains worth of 40-ft DTTX well car sets on the Towner Line over the last two weeks. In addition, the rail loading cars have been removed and the M420W run all the way to the end of usable track at Ordway.
Given the weather today, I decided to take a quick trip out to see what was stored and where. Photos and more details can be found [here]. - NDHolmes
ROCK AND RAIL NOW OWNED BY MARTIN-MARIETTA MATERIALS Posted Sunday, November 1 2015 at 2119 h MST While searching about in the STB filings and decisions, I noticed that Martin-Marietta Materials had filed that they were assuming 100% indirect ownership of Rock and Rail - the freight carrier for the Tennessee Pass line from Pueblo over to Parkdale. Doubt this means much will change, but thought it was interesting. The initial filing can be found [here]. - NDHolmes
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