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RAILFEST 2008 SCHEDULE POSTED Posted Tuesday, July 15 2008 at 1351 h MDT The Durango & Silverton has finally posted the official schedule for this year's Railfest. The event, running from August 21st through the 24th, will feature 315 and Goose 5 on a number of the usual runs, along with the night photo shoot on Friday. The official schedule can be found on the DSNG's website [here]. - NDHolmes
NEXT ROUND OF 315 PICTURES - FIRST RUN (JUNE 16) Posted Sunday, July 13 2008 at 2119 h MDT Since I've had an otherwise horrible weekend involving plumbers, a collapsed sewer line under the city street that I (unfortunately) own, and thus lining up everyone I need to repair it this next week, I decided to take a few hours this afternoon to relax and sort photos.
I figured I should sort the oldest stuff first - which means getting the photos from 315's first C&TS revenue run posted. The results of the June 16 trip are posted in a new trip report [here]. Enjoy! - NDHolmes
JULY 4 D&RGW 315 / RGS 5 PHOTOS POSTED Posted Friday, July 11 2008 at 0042 h MDT Out of the three 315 trips I've now photographed on the C&TS, I finally managed to get one sorted and posted as a new trip report tonight. On July 4, as most of you probably know, restored D&RGW Class C-18 2-8-0 #315 ran a "stock extra" photo freight out of Antonito, along with Goose 5. For those interested, it's posted [here].
With any luck, I'll get the photos from the other two runs sorted and posted sometime this weekend, as well as get caught up on the last few weeks of email. As usual, thanks for your patience.
Update (11-Jul-2008 - 0845h): Well, I shouldn't hog the spotlight so much, as there are a lot of excellent railroad photographers that were out that day. If you want to see other peoples' take on the day, check out the following: [Nathan Zachman], Dave Dye (at NGDF), and [Roger Hogan]. If anybody else has their shots up, let me know and I'll add you to the list. - NDHolmes
CHS PUTS OUT RFB FOR C&S 9 RESTORATION Posted Thursday, July 3 2008 at 1146 h MDT Once again, the Colorado Historical Society has put out a Request for Bids to do an operating, FRA-compliant rebuild/restoration on C&S 2-6-0 #9. (Yes, if you're wondering, yet another one...) The State of Colorado has the announcement on their website, complete with bidding details - see [here].
Of interesting note is the 160 day completion requirement - I can't imagine what reasonable shop would even attempt that, but we shall see what those wacky folks at the CHS do this time. Speculation on NGDF says that this may be CHS's way of declaring #9 too expensive for an operating restoration, which if true, would be some good news. #9 is far too valuable to beat up as daily power on the Loop.
Meanwhile, last I knew the Loop is still running on 2-axle diesel #21 rather than the big new 1503, though that was several weeks ago. If anybody knows what they're running these days, let me know. Otherwise I'll check for myself one of these days. - NDHolmes
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