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NEXT CO RAILFAN MEET Posted Monday, March 28 2005 at 2254 h MST The next informal Colorado Railfan Meet will be moving from its usual spot at Palmer Lake up to Railroad Park in Ft. Lupton, CO, along Union Pacific's Greeley Sub. It'll take place on Sunday, 24-Apr-2005, at 1000h. Mike and Lee have put together a flyer for the event here. It's going to start moving around a bit to allow those who live away from Palmer Lake to hopefully be able to more easily make it. I look forward to seeing all of you that can make it. Update: Originally the above said Saturday - it should have said Sunday. - NDHolmes
STEAM MOVE TOMORROW Posted Friday, March 18 2005 at 2104 h MST The rumor mill says that the FEC steamer and associated gear will move over the San Luis Rio Grande on a special train tomorrow. The rumor is that the SLRG will run a special move that'll pick it up at Walsenburg around 1000h, be in Alamosa around 1400h, and have it delivered to Monte Vista around 1600h. I'm out of town to a funeral, so if anybody happens to catch this move, I'd greatly appreciate photos to post here. Update (3/19 - 0800h): I don't know what this means, but the trace on the flat car is showing interchange made at 0200h this morning. I assume that just means that the Walsenburg local hauled it down from Pueblo to the interchange tracks at Walsenburg, not necessarily that it's been hauled over the hill on the normal SLRG train. - NDHolmes
SATURDAY UPDATES Posted Saturday, March 12 2005 at 0941 h MST FEC 148 and its flat cars have arrived in Pueblo overnight, having caught the MNYPU as expected. No idea where it is in the yard.
Also, while not strictly DRGW related, there's a Boeing aircraft fuselage running around Colorado today, northbound on BNSF powered by a single SD40-2, BNSF 7847 (I think...). It passed the Joint Line camera. See a picture of the movement here. - NDHolmes
FEC 148 UPDATE Posted Friday, March 11 2005 at 2245 h MST One of the more interesting news items lately is a former Florida East Coast 4-6-2 steamer being shipped from Traverse City, MI, to the San Luis Valley here in Colorado. The locomotive has been purchased by Don Shank's Denver & Rio Grande Historical Foundation, the owners of the South Fork to Creede line. It's being hauled by rail the whole way, with the main parts of the locomotive on heavy-duty flat QTTX 130951, and the tender and other bits following along on another flat.
Originally scheduled to be in Walsenburg by tomorrow morning (Saturday, 12-Mar-2005), it got delayed in LaSalle, CO, on Thursday afternoon and didn't make its connection onto that night's MNYPU for shipment to Pueblo. The downside of this is that it was then to be sent west by a special move on the San Luis Rio Grande from Walsenburg to Alamosa or Monte Vista. However, since it won't make it on Saturday, it most likely will happen next Tuesday (15-Mar-2005) instead.
Mike Keithly captured the unit on MNPNY today up at Brighton, CO, on its way down from Cheyenne. Seen here are the locomotive and the flat with all the other stuff. - NDHolmes
ex-DRGW 5375 ON JOINT LINE Posted Sunday, March 6 2005 at 1841 h MST GECX 8630, ex-UP 8630, and exx-DRGW 5375 (an SD40T-2), has returned to the Joint Line. While driving around Pueblo today, I spotted it at the south end of the yard, coupled to UP 8802 (another SD40T-2, ex-SP 8257). Both units are patched only and retain their original paint, the Grande unit looking to still be in quite good condition. My guess is that the pair came in on a rail train and will be leaving the same way. (Update from Paul Z - apparently this one's been on the Pueblo-Walsenburg run lately, and has been a regular to Colorado - oops, guess I'm way out of the loop!) You can see a picture of them from today here. Anyway, keep an eye out for it in the upcoming days - I've asked that it be added to the daily trace data to make tracking it easier. - NDHolmes
NEW TRIP - D&S WINTER PHOTO SPECIAL Posted Friday, March 4 2005 at 1142 h MST Finally, after nearly two months, it's real news! Last weekend was the Durango & Silverton's first Winter Photographers Special, and at the last minute (I had other plans for that weekend originally) I still managed to get a ticket. It was an all-day outing from Durango to north of Cascade and back, with organized photo run-bys at various locations to photograph steam in a pristine winter environment. Absolutely a top notch trip, and great fun. I've finally sorted through the 800-odd photos from last weekend and edited them together into a trip report. Also included is a look at what remains of the 107 abandoned miles of the San Juan Extension between Durango and Chama.
Anyway, the report is posted here. Enjoy!
I know, I know, most of you think I've disappeared from the face of the earth or been abducted by Santa Fe fans or something. Not true, just busy with work and non-railroad stuff, along with being more than a bit burned out and working on a complete overhaul of my other railroad site - the unofficial Iowa Interstate website. - NDHolmes
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