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CUMBRES & TOLTEC SCENIC SEASON BEGINS Posted Wednesday, May 30 2001 at 1316 h MDT The C&TS RR, running between Antonito, CO, and Chama, NM, and one of the two surviving segments of D&RG narrow gauge in Colorado and New Mexico, officially began its tourist season last Sunday (27-May-2001). Various D&RGW fans were down to see the event, so if you're interested here are links to Jim B's photos and, if you're a member of the DRGW list on YahooGroups, Matt H's photos: #1, #2, #3. - NDHolmes
GP40 3080 RETIRED? Posted Tuesday, May 29 2001 at 1044 h MDT Paul Z. reports that DRGW 3080, one of only a handful of Rio Grandes surviving in small lettering, has been shut down and added to the dead lines at Burnham after being placed for servicing several days back. No word on what the exact problem might be, but it looks like it's gone. Of course the official retirement word from UP probably won't come for some time yet, but scratch another one off the list. Update (1300h - 5/30): DRGW 3060, the other small-lettered GP40 that's been hanging around Colorado, may also be in trouble. PZ reports that it, too, is shut down, but located in 36th Street Yard in Denver. Hopefully this isn't the end of the line for it as well. - NDHolmes
DRGW.NET TIDBITS Posted Monday, May 28 2001 at 2042 h MDT I'm sorry for the slow news over the past two weeks. As many of you know, I've been back in Iowa getting married as well as taking a bit of vacation out and around the west, and trying to avoid trains and computing for a week. I'd very much like to thank Heather and Michael Petersen for keeping Picture of the Day running in my absence and for just generally keeping things running. Now that I'm back and ready to work on it again, expect new stuff over the next few months. I have several large projects for the site planned for this summer, as well as some smaller ones, so fear not that things might be stagnating. For example, the D&RGW information section will once again start growing significantly, more real-time train following information will hopefully become available, and possibly even a webcam on one of the ex-D&RGW mainlines. I said possibly, and that's a very iffy possibly, but I'm working on it. - NDHolmes
RGM&HS UPDATES Posted Monday, May 28 2001 at 2023 h MDT The Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society is now open and taking memberships, even payable online. For those interested, the site is located over here. Also remember that in addition to joining, it's going to take quite an effort to get enough quality material to put out the newsletter, so please also consider helping out in this way. - NDHolmes
NINE GRANDES ON THE JOINT LINE Posted Monday, May 28 2001 at 1859 h MDT This afternoon/evening, there are three trains with a total of nine Rio Grande units for power traversing the Joint Line. Two DVPU trains, one with 5401, 5361, 5356, and 3105, another with 5376, and a northbound PUDV train with 5413, 5407, 5385, and 5377. All are well underway, so unless you live in Colorado Springs or the surrounding area it might be a lost cause before sundown. Update (1327h - 4/26): Since I managed to catch the first set of southbounds down at the Colo. Sprgs. yard tonight, thought I'd post a couple of photos (#1 & #2). Also, 5376 came through as the second unit just as I was leaving, and apparently the four northbound motors had come through some time before I arrived (thanks to Frank K. for that one). Good to see this much Grande power together - enjoy it while you can. - NDHolmes
FOUR T-2s HEADING UP MDVPU-27 Posted Sunday, May 27 2001 at 1759 h MDT Today's MDVPU-27 is powered by four of the remaining 22 Rio Grande T-2s, along with a trailing UP SD60M. They are, in order from the point, DRGW 5407, DRGW 5385, DRGW 5413, DRGW 5377, and UP something-or-other. It passed through South Denver around 1650h, which should put it in the Springs just about dusk. I caught the power being assembled and checked this morning in North Yard, around 1130h, seen here. - NDHolmes
ANOTHER DRGW SD45 SURVIVOR - 5322 Posted Sunday, May 27 2001 at 1755 h MDT While I thought there was only one surviving D&RGW SD45 surviving in Rio Grande paint, I've been proven wrong. Bob Huntsman has been kind enough to share a few photos of the dead lines in Council Bluffs, IA, and in these lines is 5322 (photo), moved there on 4-May-2001 according to the UP trace. Great thanks to Bob, and I'll put up a few more photos in the next couple days. - NDHolmes
ANOTHER T-2 GONE Posted Sunday, May 27 2001 at 1743 h MDT It's been reported from several people now that DRGW 5372 has been shut down and retired at Burnham, as of 24-May-2001. That leaves us with only 22 remaining, operational tunnel motors. There additionally are many parked in dead lines, but only 22 operating. For reference, these are: 5342, 5345, 5347, 5349, 5354, 5356, 5361, 5365, 5371, 5373, 5375, 5376, 5377, 5384, 5385, 5389, 5390, 5401, 5407, 5409, 5410, and 5413. Thanks to Mike, Paul Z., and the Rio Grande list for this one... - NDHolmes
NEW TRIP REPORT Posted Tuesday, May 22 2001 at 0852 h MDT While it technically isn't Denver & Rio Grande Western related, I thought I'd make a note that I finally have the new trip report up, only ten days or so after I promised it. Oh well, life has this great ability to get in the way of trip reports. Either way, it has more photos and more text than ever before, so you'll all be extra bored while waiting on all those images to load. Hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed the week and a half in British Columbia working on it! - NDHolmes
MILITARY TRAINS RETURNING TO FRONT RANGE Posted Monday, May 21 2001 at 2244 h MDT UP 3139 lead four other units and a southbound train of military vehicles down the Joint Line on Monday (21-May) evening, passing through Castle Rock around 1900h. It looks like much of the equipment that left about a month ago is now returning to the bases in Colorado Springs. - NDHolmes
LONG LOST RIO GRANDE SWITCHER Posted Monday, May 21 2001 at 2234 h MDT I was under the impression that the Rio Grande switcher fleet, much like the SD45s, was long gone, but after a tip from Joe A. while I was home, I learned otherwise. Sitting at the old engine facility near the corner of 12th and G in Council Bluffs was D&RGW 144, (click the link for a photo) severely rusted and not looking even slightly operational, but still in Rio Grande paint - not unlike SD45 5326! Sorry for the poor quality photo, but I probably won't get the film developed for another week. I'll post more then. - NDHolmes
PSEUDO-GRANDE SD39s ACROSS IOWA Posted Friday, May 11 2001 at 0939 h MDT ANDX 4027 and 4028, two ex-SP SD39s that were repainted to Rio Grande for a movie some years back, are on their way to Sioux City, IA, to interchange with their owner's shortline, the Dakota & Iowa Railroad. They're actually travelling west across the state, and last traced in Belle Plain, IA, on the ex-CNW mainline. Previously, they worked north out of Commerce City, CO, for the Andesite Rock facility there, but have since been replaced with two SD45s (both ex-Rio Grandes). Update (2200h - 5/21): Actually, they went as far west as North Platte, NE. I caught up with them on my trip home, and managed to catch these two photographs in the setting sun. (Photo #1, #2) - NDHolmes
NEW SPRINGS SWITCHER - DRGW 3118 Posted Friday, May 11 2001 at 0048 h MDT It looks like we may get a Rio Grande geep as the Colorado Springs yard switcher again. DRGW 3118 departed North Yard tonight for Colorado Springs on a train other than the usual MDVPU. It's expected in the Springs around 0116h Friday morning. In other news, Paul B. reports that there is a rail grinder working over the Moffat line. No word on whereabouts it's currently located. Also, at least according to the trace, UP 8621 (ex-DRGW5364) has taken up temporary residence in Winter Park. Starting Saturday, I'll be out for another two weeks - this time because I'm getting married and taking some vacation. News will be somewhat sparce the first week, but almost nonexistant the second. Sorry, everyone. I promise before I leave I'll get the British Columbia trip report posted. - NDHolmes
RIO GRANDE TIDBITS FOR WEDNESDAY Posted Tuesday, May 8 2001 at 2326 h MDT MRODV-08, departing Roper around 2150h on Tuesday (8-Mar), has D&RGW 5361 and 5401 for power. It should be moving across Colorado over Wednesday. (Thanks to Paul B.) Also, 3085 is now listed in the UP computer as "stored servicable," which means it has some chance (however small) of being resurrected - thanks to Mike for notifying us of this one. DRGW 3060, one of the GP40s still with small lettering, has been assigned to the 36th Street Yard by Coors Field in Denver - 3080 is still in LaSalle. Also, if anybody has any Rio Grande-related photos they'd like to see as Photo of the Day, (at least 800x600), please send them in - I'm running a bit low on candidates lately. In more personal news, I'm back from Vancouver for a week, but then will be gone for two more, so news will be random at best. In better news, there's a new trip report coming soon. My apologies, I promise the interruptions in news will be less frequent as the summer progresses. - NDHolmes
MRODV-04 EASTBOUND WITH THREE D&RGW T-2s Posted Friday, May 4 2001 at 0833 h MDT It looks like MRODV-04 is travelling across eastern Utah and western Colorado today with three D&RGW tunnel motors for power - 5401, 5385, and 5361. However, the weather doesn't look the greatest for following them, but still it's an event that won't happen that many more times. - NDHolmes
THE BEGINNING OF THE END Posted Tuesday, May 1 2001 at 1808 h MDT As we've known for some time, the end times are quickly approaching for the remaining Rio Grande power. Further evidence of that over the past week - a dead line of Rio Grande power seems to be forming at Council Bluffs, IA. At least four ex-D&RGW units are there already, and haven't moved in a while: DRGW 5391, 3142, 3087, and 3075. 5391 is known to be dead, so presumably the others are as well. No word on where these may be going to the scrapper, though. - NDHolmes
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