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CONTRACT FOR LOBATO RECONSTRUCTION TO BE LET Posted Monday, February 28 2011 at 1356 h MST Roger Hogan posted the official news this morning that the New Mexico DOT has officially let the contract for reconstructing Lobato to Reiman Corp. of Cheyenne, WY. This is the final piece, as the contracts for wood and steel have already been signed with other vendors. Reiman will be in charge of actually doing the on-site work - removing the old deck and girders and placing the new ones. As part of this, they'll also be building a temporary construction road down to the site and bringing in a large mobile crane. The winning bid came in at $758,945.50. - NDHolmes
D&IM CAR 25 TURNS 100, NEW HOME ANNOUNCED Posted Sunday, February 20 2011 at 2357 h MST Denver & Inter-Mountain Car 25 turned 100 last week, having been built for operations between Denver and Golden in 1911. The car's new owners, the West Corridor Rail Historical Cooperative, put on a celebration in Lakewood to honor those who saved and restored the car and to announce their plans for the future.
The most notable of those plans is their new Oak Street Transit Museum and Restoration Center, which will house 25 and other historic transit artifacts as well as providing a workspace for car maintenance and restoration activities. It will be colocated with RTD's Oak Street Station on the new West Corridor, along the car's historic route.
The new structure has an estimated cost of $1.8M. Of that, $42k has been spent already on planning and engineering work. The WCHRC's goal is to raise $500k by the end of the year and the full amount by 2013, so that the Oak Street facility can open in conjunction with the West Corridor.
To that end, the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club has put forth a matching grant. In honor of Car 25's 100th birthday, they'll match up to $25k of donations for the next 100 days. (That means the deadline is 30 May 2011.) If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation to move the project forward, see the donation form at the bottom of the pictures.
Photos from the event, including festivities, a model of the new facility, and the current state of the real site can be found [here]. - NDHolmes
C&TS 40th ANNIVERSARY SLIDE SHOWS POSTED Posted Sunday, February 20 2011 at 2357 h MST During the 40th Anniversary celebration of the Cumbres & Toltec last year, Terry Ross and Ernie Robart got together and gave two nights of slide shows on the early days of the C&TS. I've kicked myself until this day for missing them. Fortunately, Steve Forney had the foresight to tape them and has now posted video of both the Sunday and Monday shows. I'm about halfway through the first one, and this is must see stuff for any D&RGW narrow gauge enthusiast.
The Sunday night show can be found [here], and the Monday night show [here]. - NDHolmes
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