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AND HERE COMES AMTK 618... Posted Tuesday, July 29 2014 at 1122 h MDT Another ACS-64 is on its way. A post on Trainorders reports that AMTK 618 is at the interchange and should be on the Zephyr on Wednesday or Thursday out of California. That puts it across the former D&RGW on Thursday or Friday. I'll update this when it actually moves, but wanted to give everyone a heads up anyway. - NDHolmes
AMTRAK ACS-64 617 ACROSS COLORADO SUNDAY Posted Saturday, July 26 2014 at 2250 h MDT Another new ACS-64 is making its way east on today's eastbound California Zephyr. AMTK 617 was released from Siemens last week and added to #6 out of Emeryville today. It'll be over Soldier Summit tomorrow morning and across Colorado during the day. - NDHolmes
TOWNER LINE - REPRIEVE FROM V&S, DAMAGED BY FLOODS Posted Sunday, July 20 2014 at 1724 h MDT The V&S Railway has been thwarted in their efforts to expediently scrap the east end of the Towner Line. In mid-May, V&S applied to abandon the east end, from Towner at 787.5 to near Eads at 808.3. A comment from the Public Land Surveyors of Colorado pointed out significant issues with their filings, most significantly that about half of the proposed abandonment sits on Federal land grants, whereas V&S claimed there were none. As a result of the PSLC comment and other question-raising issues, the Surface Transportation Board has categorically denied their exemption request. I wouldn't call it a long term win, but at least the STB is not just rubber stamping this one.
That said, Mother Nature didn't do the west end any favors this week. Last Tuesday (July 15, 2014), a strong thunderstorm dumped sufficient rain north of NA Junction (where the Towner Line and BNSF's Pueblo Subdivision join) to cause flash flooding. Those floods overtopped the sides of the Colorado Canal, an irrigation ditch that runs along the north side of the railway and Colorado Hwy 96. The resulting torrent of water submerged both the road and railway where 96 crosses over the line between NA Junction and Olney Springs. The road survived fairly well, but the railway suffered a few washouts. Pictures from my drive through the area today are posted [here]. - NDHolmes
C&TS ANNOUNCES 2 DAYS OF 463 PHOTO CHARTER Posted Friday, July 11 2014 at 1048 h MDT The C&TS will be running a mixed freight/passenger photo train on August 12 & 13, powered by K-27 #463. The passenger cars will be along to transport riders, and will be dropped at the various run-bys to provide an authentic-looking freight train.
Tuesday's run will be from Chama to Antonito, with no passenger cars hauled up the west side of Cumbres Pass. A chase bus will be provided to get shots up and down the hill. At the top, passengers will board the train and head for Antonito. Wednesday will reverse the trip and run back to Chama. A bus will apparently be provided back and forth to Antonito for those wanting to stay in Chama the whole time.
The cost is $195 for one day, or $375 for both. I've got mine for both days, so I'll hopefully see some of you down there.
Edit: I forgot to mention - the official railroad page for the trip can be found [here], and has details and booking information. - NDHolmes
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