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NEW TRIP REPORT - ASPEN BRANCH SPEEDERS Posted Monday, November 11 2002 at 2308 h MST On 2-Nov-2002, the Western Colorado Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society ran their second speeder run between Glenwood Springs, CO, and Carbondale on the former D&RGW Aspen Branch. Both runs have acted primarily as fundraisers for the WCNRHS's efforts to convert the east side of the Glenwood depot into a museum. I couldn't make the first run on 7-September, but I wasn't going to miss this one. As it turned out, it was a cold, wet, dreary day, but it was an excellent trip anyway. The introduction to the latest trip report can be found here. Don't forget to click on the "See More" link at the bottom of the introduction to get to the actual photos. - NDHolmes
VARIOUS NEWS TIDBITS Posted Tuesday, November 5 2002 at 1308 h MST It's been a slow week as far as Rio Grande news goes. UP 8590, ex-DRGW 5397, has been renumbered by the NYS&W as 3002 coming out of the Utica, NY, shops. Eventually it will be renumbered to NYSW 3010 as it's put into service. Also, the two ex-DRGW motors (5391 & 5413) that the were reported purchased by Wheeling & Lake Erie actually were just being sent to the road's subsidiary, the Akron Barberton Cluster Railway, for rebuilding in Brewster, OH, and long-term leasing to the new Montreal Maine & Atlantic subsidiary of Rail World, Inc. In other, worse news, UP 8582 (ex-DRGW 5389, a patch job) has been placed in the dead line at Burnham. It's probably retired, but there is no definitive word on if or why it was yet. - NDHolmes
TWO DERAILMENTS AND WEATHER NEWS Posted Friday, November 1 2002 at 1151 h MST Over the past three days, there have been two derailments on the former D&RGW system here in Colorado. Wednesday morning, at approximately 0600h, an eastbound coal load put sixteen cars on the ground a half-mile east of Milner, CO - near the Adams Junction switch to the Energy spur. Apparently UP has had problems with unstable ground at this point, and it may have caused the track to shift out of alignment. The line is expected to be reopened today. Two stories about this can be found in the Steamboat Pilot here for the initial report and here for the followup. The second derailment occurred last night in Glenwood Canyon near Grizzly. Apparently a single car came off the track for a still-unknown reason. Hopefully I'll get more details on this one in the next day or so. Also, a weather system dumped several inches of heavy, wet snow all along the former Grande system in Colorado last night, and several more inches are expected over the weekend. This is probably a good time to get those wintry railfan photos! For those of you curious how much snow we got last night, just look at the live view of my front yard here. - NDHolmes
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