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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Posted Tuesday, December 25 2012 at 2150 h MST Just wanted to wish all of our readers a very merry Christmas - hopefully you're getting to spend it with family and/or loved ones.
With traveling and preparing for the holidays, I'm behind. If you've emailed me in the last week or two, responses will be coming, but probably after the new year. - NDHolmes
NEW TRIP REPORT - GOOSEFEST 2012 Posted Saturday, December 15 2012 at 2031 h MST I realize that new trip reports - or for that matter much of anything new around here - has been exceedingly rare this year. Sorry about that - my life has been exceedingly busy this year, almost to the exclusion of actually going out and shooting anything.
That said, I did finally manage to get one trip report up for this year, and it's even Rio Grande (well, RGS) related. I've posted the pictures from this year's Colorado Railroad Museum Goosefest, held back in mid-June. Now that all of the RGS geese are restored and running, it was to be the first gathering of all of them (plus the replica of RGS 1) in sixty years - basically since the end of the RGS. As it turned out, Knotts pulled the plug on RGS 3 at the last second, but the other six still made it an historic weekend. Plus it was the first chance RGS 4 has had to get out and run since the Ridgway Museum finished the restoration.
My pictures from Goosefest 2012 are posted [here]. - NDHolmes
TALGO SERIES VIII ARRIVES AT TTCI Posted Sunday, December 9 2012 at 2151 h MST One of the two new Talgo Series VIII trainsets built in Milwaukee for Amtrak Cascades service has been shipped to the Transportation Test Center, located just east of Pueblo, CO. The set left the Talgo factory in North Milwaukee on 29 Nov 2012, along with six old Amtrak cars. These extra cars were apparently added to act as brakes, as my understanding is that the test set itself had its brakes cut. The set moved west via the Wisconsin and Southern to the BNSF interchange at Crawford, WI, where it was handed over for the dedicated move west via Galesburg, Kansas City, and La Junta.
At La Junta, the equipment was joined by Amtrak 145, the Phase III heritage engine, which had been dropped off by the Southwest Chief. 145 would be used to provide propulsion for its testing at the TTC.
On Monday, 3 Dec 2012, BNSF 4798 pulled the test train to Avondale, CO, where the TTC interchanges with the BNSF and UP. Once there, the six brake cars were cut out and taken back to La Junta.
Since I don't actually get time to do any railfanning any more (thanks, job...), Nathan Zachman sent over pictures of the move. I've posted them with his permission [here]. - NDHolmes
CRRX V20 ARRIVES IN COLORADO Posted Sunday, December 9 2012 at 2108 h MST Nathan Zachman caught the new Canon City & Royal Gorge GP40PH-2 in Pueblo last week (Monday, 3 Dec 2012). The engine is still wearing the Virginia Railway Express paint of its former owner. He's sent a couple photos that I've added to its [new roster page]. - NDHolmes
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