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SD70ACe GM72/GM73 ON THE GROUND Posted Tuesday, June 29 2004 at 0932 h MDT It's amazing how much email builds up after not being around for four days. Most interestingly, I just received word this morning that at 0500h, EMD SD70ACe prototypes GM72 and GM73 are on their sides and heavily damaged at Yarmony, CO. They were apparently being used as swing helpers and went over. Speculation is that it's somehow related to the wet weather we've been seeing lately and soggy roadbed, but I've seen no confirmation nor direct evidence of that. Update (6/29 - 1055h): Paul Birkholz / Todd Busse inform us all through the DRGW list that only GM72 is in the river on its side. GM 73 was in the rear DPU set and is still on the rails. The train itself was CEYPS-27, bound for Denver. - NDHolmes
SERVICE OUTAGE Posted Friday, June 18 2004 at 1004 h MDT As some of you are aware, I'm in the process of moving. However, due to a blazing lack of speed on the part of the phone company, the circuit into the new house won't be ready by time the old house gets shut off. So I'm having to do a three-way move on the webserver. There will be a brief outage both tonight as it gets moved to its temporary home, and then a brief outage sometime next month as it moves to its permanent new home. - NDHolmes
JUNE JOINT LINE MEET Posted Thursday, June 10 2004 at 1937 h MDT Mike Keithly's got another Joint Line Meet put together for Saturday, 27-Jun-2004. As usual, we'll be meeting up in Palmer Lake at 1000h in the parking lot at the north end of the lake (up at the east side of the switch), and then around noon wander down to The Depot restaurant for lunch. See the brochure either as a PDF or as the original MSWord doc. Look forward to seeing you all there! - NDHolmes
NEW TRIP REPORT UP - OPENING DAY ON THE C&TS Posted Thursday, June 10 2004 at 1726 h MDT I'm a little late making the announcement, but the news system has been busted for a few days and I just got around to fixing it. I was down in Chama for the opening day of the 2004 season on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad - 64 miles of the Rio Grande's original narrow gauge San Juan extension. Of note was the rebirth of ex-DRGW K36 484, which has been sidelined for around five years after derailment damage suffered while plowing snow in April 1999. Thanks to both efforts of the talented shop crew, the Friends, the RGRPC, the myriad of C&TS supporters, funding from Colorado and especially New Mexico, and an economic development grant from the Feds, both 484 and 487 have been completely rebuilt for the 2004 season. 488 should be following close behind, and out of the shops by mid-summer. Both photos and videos of opening day are available in the latest trip report.
As a follow-up, 487 suffered an air compressor failure on Sunday, 6-Jun-2004. It received the air pump from 463 while repairs are made. A few days later, 484 was the victim of a broken wedge and, consequently, other fireman's side cylinder problems on Tuesday, 8-Jun-2004. The shop crews made their usual skillful repairs to both, and according to latest reports, both should be back in operating condition. Thanks to Jay Wimer for both notes. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5503 TO BE REPAINTED - 1 SD50 LEFT Posted Thursday, June 10 2004 at 1717 h MDT Several people have remarked at 5503's extended stay at the Jenks shops as of late. Jim Harrawood posted to the DRGW YahooGroups List earlier today confirmation that 5503 will not emerge from Jenks as a Rio Grande unit. After suffering engine problems, it's scheduled to be run through the paint booth on the way out and emerge as a full Union Pacific unit. That leaves us only with DRGW 5507 out and about in original paint. - NDHolmes
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