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TRACE GONE - NOPE, IT'S BACK Posted Tuesday, November 20 2001 at 0429 h MST Update (11/20 - 0800h): Once again, it looked worse than it was and I reacted too quickly. The trace is back - UP just broke something that caused it to spit out that rather ominous error message on tracing any locomotive about data not being available via the public trace. Shortly after I posted the gloom-and-doom news of the day, I couldn't trace coal cars, either, and at that point I knew UP's system was just broken and spitting back an inappropriate error message. Sorry, folks, false alarm - that's what I get for posting news at 0400h in the morning. - NDHolmes
FOUR T-2s ON THE DIRT TRAIN NEXT WEEK Posted Sunday, November 18 2001 at 1344 h MST It looks like next week the Dirt Train from Helper, UT, to Columbia Jct. will be running with all four tunnel motors if things go according to plan. This should be true every day of the week (not Saturday), but there's no word on whether the train will run at all on Thanksgiving itself. Along with the GP40s working out of Grand Junction, these are two excellent excuses for Grande fans in Colorado and Utah to do a little railfanning next week. Thanks to Michael M. (via Paul Birkholz). (Yes, for those wondering, I was going to be in Helper this weekend, but I decided to postpone the trip due to the demise of 5361.) - NDHolmes
DRGW 3154 DENVER-BOUND (UPDATED) Posted Wednesday, November 14 2001 at 0951 h MST After being absent for something on the order of ten months, one of the GP60s is finally returning home. DRGW 3154 is on a Los Angeles - Denver train, and had progressed as far as Ogden, UT, this morning. It will probably arrive in Denver via Wyoming and the UP system. Update (10/15 - 2230h): DRGW 3155 was on the ZLADV a day behind the one that 3154 was on. Both are now sitting in North Yard, and will hopefully remain in Colorado for some amount of time. I'd personally like to see them on the MDVPU and MPUDV trains again, but that's just me. In other news, after suffering a serious mechanical failure last week, DRGW 5361 was brought into Denver this morning and will be off to Burnham shortly, hopefully for repairs, but also possibly for retirement. We'll just have to watch that one. Update (10/16 - 1017h): The word is these two will be returned to MDVPU-MPUDV service in December. See this thread at Trainorders. Whooo!!! - NDHolmes
DRGW 5371 WESTBOUND ON THE POINT Posted Tuesday, November 6 2001 at 1514 h MST DRGW 5371, after being in Burnham for several days, is headed west again on the point of MDVRO-06. Yes, that's right, right up there on the front. It's a beautiful day on the Front Range, folks, go get it. Thanks to Joe McMillan for this bit posted to the DRGW list. - NDHolmes
DRGW 5384 MOVING EAST, MORE TO THE SCRAPPER Posted Monday, November 5 2001 at 1106 h MST DRGW 5384 is on the Monday Denver-Roper train, and is expected in Denver early tomorrow morning. There's always a chance it will be pulled off in Grand Junction, but I'm guessing that it's coming to Denver Diesel (Burnham) for inspection or repair. Just a guess. In other news, DRGW 3141 left Englewood, TX, this morning headed for Valjct, IL. It's been in the dead line for some time, and is now on its way to become spare parts and scrap metal. Also, there's a rumor that UP will soon be disposing of a good number of Rio Grande units, as apparently the SD70M fleet is finally reaching levels where it can handle the traffic. Keep your eyes open, and get those photos while you can. - NDHolmes
INTERMITTANT OUTAGES Posted Friday, November 2 2001 at 2351 h MST Over the past three days, you may have noticed DRGW.NET is down frequently. It's not my hardware - everything on this end is working fine. The issue lies with Covad - the line card servicing the wire to my house has been flakey, and tonight was the first time I managed to catch it in the act of being dead and get tech support on the phone to examine the DSLAM while it was acting up. Translation: they finally believe they have a problem, and that I'm not just another customer that kicked the wire out on accident. It seems to come and go, and supposedly by sometime tomorrow it should be repaired permanently. Thanks for your patience. - NDHolmes
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