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NEW TRIP REPORT - TRAIN FESTIVAL 2011 Posted Tuesday, August 9 2011 at 2302 h MDT This trip report is definitely not Rio Grande related. I couldn't even find any stretch of the imagination that connected the two. This is about Train Festival 2011 back in Iowa/Illinois a couple weeks back, with all the steam engines and passenger specials it entailed. Featured are the CB&Q Nebraska Zephyr, Iowa Interstate's two Chinese 2-10-2 QJs, NKP 765, some Amtrak stuff, some other IAIS stuff, and just a generally decent week of railfanning.
The new trip report is posted [here]. - NDHolmes
UP 1989 ON MRONY-10 TOMORROW Posted Tuesday, August 9 2011 at 2151 h MDT Word going around the interwebs is that UP 1989 - the Grande heritage unit - will be on the point of the Roper Yard (Salt Lake) to North Yard (Denver) train tomorrow. It's scheduled out at 0300h MDT. Have fun, send pictures if you happen to catch it. - NDHolmes
D&S RESUMES SILVERTON SERVICE Posted Monday, August 8 2011 at 0035 h MDT The D&S managed to get the line reopened once again, and trains are once again running from Durango all the way to Silverton. The two previously trapped trains returned Saturday night, and regular service resumed on Sunday, 7 Aug 2011. - NDHolmes
D&S CLOSED BY ROCKSLIDE Posted Thursday, August 4 2011 at 1836 h MDT On Tuesday, the D&S suffered a large slide near Elk Park. The first two trains back to Durango, but the day's second two trains were trapped on the north side and returned to Silverton. The latest reports I've seen is that the slide is 12-15 feet deep and 300 feet long. It's the usual mix of mud, rocks, and trees, and apparently blocked up the Animas enough that water ran over the tracks.
Tuesday's stuck passengers were bussed back to Durango, and 480 and 486 remain in Silverton with their trains. For the last two days and until the slide is cleared, trains will only be running up to Cascade Canyon.
There's an article in the Durango Herald [here] and more details from Fritz Klinke on NGDF [here]. So far, no pictures of the mess have emerged.
Update (8/4 - 2005): There are pictures - the D&S posted them on its Facebook site. [Here's] the page. There's also an updated Durango Herald article with a photo [here]. - NDHolmes
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