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NARROW GAUGE DISCUSSION FORUM BACK ONLINE Posted Wednesday, May 28 2008 at 2145 h MDT After an extended outage for reasons that don't need exploring, the Narrow Gauge Discussion Forum is back online. - NDHolmes
IT'S OPENING WEEKEND 2008! Posted Friday, May 23 2008 at 1021 h MDT For many of Colorado's tourist railroads, Memorial Day Weekend marks the start of the regular 2008 season. The Cumbres & Toltec, Rio Grande Scenic Railroad (aka the SL&RG), the Leadville, Colorado & Southern, and the Georgetown Loop all are scheduled to start operations this weekend. The Durango & Silverton started their summer season on 12-May-2008, and the Royal Gorge Route runs at various levels year-round. I'm not even sure if I'll get out to shoot opening day this year, let alone ride, but for those of you who are - enjoy! - NDHolmes
GEORGETOWN LOOP UPDATES Posted Wednesday, May 14 2008 at 1613 h MDT 1203, the six axle Porter that was supposed to be on the Georgetown Loop in 2006, and then again 2007, will actually arrive in time for the 2008 season. Don Robirds sent Jay a picture of the unit, loaded on a truck at the Sumpter Valley in Oregon and bound for Colorado, which is posted on the Goat [here].
Meanwhile, Georgetown's two steamers will be unavailable for the start of the season. #12, expected to be done by opening day, has been delayed to undergo some additional work after the FRA asserted control a little over a month ago, on 9-Apr-2008. A boiler Form 4 (meaning, in part, ultrasound testing with the tubes removed) needed to be done, and subsequently the boiler was torn down again and the work completed. According to John, aka "locoboilerguy" on NGDF, the delay is now related to 12 needing new tires with an FRA-compliant flange, rather than the industrial flange profile it had previously. #9, the ex-C&S engine, is still out of commission indefinitely.
I haven't been up to check on the bridge replacement project since mid-April, but my guess is that this, too, will be done on time. The contractor was making good progress in April, and should more than have it finished by Memorial Day Weekend. If I get the chance, I'll drop by this weekend and check on progress. - NDHolmes
PILE DRIVER OB RETURNS TO C&TS Posted Monday, May 12 2008 at 1153 h MDT Back in 1999, D&RGW pile driver OB was moved from Chama, NM, to Colorado Springs so that the Friends of the C&TS could begin restoration work. Last weekend, after eight years and over 10,000 volunteer hours of work, the restored OB returned home and was unloaded in Antonito, CO. The car will spend the next few weeks in the Friends Antonito Car Repair Facility receiving final reassembly and testing, and then eventually will be moved to Chama as operations permit. Photos of the unloading can be found [here] and [here] on NGDF, and [here] on the Goat.
Congratulations to all involved in restoring this one-of-a-kind piece of Rio Grande narrow gauge work equipment. It looks beautiful - I can't wait to see it in person. - NDHolmes
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