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RAILFEST TRIP REPORT UP Posted Wednesday, August 31 2005 at 1722 h MDT As many of you know, the Durango & Silverton's annual Railfest was last week/weekend. While originally I didn't think I was going to be able to make it down, things worked out and I was able to show up for Friday-Sunday. RGS Goose 5 made it out, and DRGW 472 came back from the scrap heap. Okay, not really, but the D&S redid 478 in a green boiler jacket and renumbered it 472 for the event. It's expected to stay that way through the end of September, apparently. There's not much more to say, but the photos are posted in a new trip report here. - NDHolmes
ROSTER UPDATES - 2 MORE DOWN Posted Wednesday, August 31 2005 at 1719 h MDT The last SD50, 5507, was patched yesterday (Tuesday, 30-Aug-2005) at Roseville, becoming UP 9851. With that, the entire class of DRGW SD50s disappears from service forever.
Also, one of the two remaining SD40T-2s suffered an unfortunate incident over the weekend. 5390's generator failed and caught the unit on fire, requiring the local fire department to come hose it down. It's pretty much toast, and is not expected to be repaired. That leaves only a single SD40T-2, 5371, out of the Rio Grande's once mighty roster of 6-axle motors. In addition, there are still 7 GP40-2s left, but they too are expected to be patched soon. - NDHolmes
DURANGO RAILFEST THIS WEEKEND Posted Wednesday, August 24 2005 at 1436 h MDT Just a reminder - this weekend (Aug 26-28) is Railfest down in Durango on the D&S. Goose 5 will be out and running, and there will be a mixed freight photo train on Friday. For more information, see the D&S's Railfest page. I'll see you all down there - I'm headed down Friday morning, and will be around through Sunday. - NDHolmes
NEXT JOINT LINE MEET - 25-SEP-2005 Posted Tuesday, August 23 2005 at 1439 h MDT The railfan meet returns to Palmer Lake this time, and will be held in the usual park at the usual time of 1000h on Sunday, 25-Sep-2005. Mike K's flyer is downloadable here. - NDHolmes
DRGW HERITAGE SD70ACe - EARLY 2006 Posted Tuesday, August 16 2005 at 2346 h MDT Mr. Bromley was kind enough to give the fan community an update on the Heritage SD70ACes today on Trainorders. His post: "They will all be EMD SD70ACEs. Katy is coming soon. The next three; CNW, DRGW and SP will be out in early 2006. No cloak and dagger stuff is planned, but we do want to get all six rounded up at some point for group portrait." Let the waiting (and foaming) begin! - NDHolmes
TWO MORE DOWN - TEN LEFT Posted Friday, August 12 2005 at 2217 h MDT Within the last 48 hours, we've lost two more. DRGW 3111 was patched to UP 1363 at Burnham yesterday, and DRGW 3109 was changed to UP 1364 sometime today. That leaves ten units - 7 GP40-2s, 2 SD40T-2s, and 1 SD50. As I mentioned the other day, expect them all to get patched as they go through their routine inspections, possibly except 5507. At most, we've only got a couple months left. 5371 is due for its inspection on the 17th, and it will probably be the next to go. - NDHolmes
HELPER & POTASH LOCAL TRIP REPORT UP Posted Thursday, August 11 2005 at 2247 h MDT Last weekend I went out to Grand Junction and Helper to catch the Potash Local on Friday, and the last two tunnel motors working on Saturday and Sunday. The Potash Local drew two unpatched SP AC4400CWs, although the weather was lousy. The scenery still made it worth the trip. The Helper part was a little more interesting, however. As it turns out, the Dirt Train didn't use the two T-2s the whole time I was there, but on Sunday I did get to watch them push two eastbounds all the way over Soldier Summit. This is the first time since I've lived out here that I've seen the DRGW T-2s out of Helper shove one eastbound... Work's been killing me, so it's taken a while to get everything sorted, processed, and posted, but it's finally done. Have a look at the trip report here. - NDHolmes
THE END IS NEAR - PATCHING WILL ACCELERATE Posted Thursday, August 11 2005 at 0835 h MDT I know, the remainder of the roster getting slowly patched isn't exactly big news, but the remainder may disappear rather suddenly and rather soon according to something I received earlier. I received word that the maintenance instructions for all of the remaining DRGW units, save 5507, have recently had the instructions "patch next periodic interval (92 day inspection, basically) without fail" added to them. Apparently, the "without fail" part means that it's a top priority item to patch these guys next time they show up at a shop for their 92 day, and not something that really can be let slip by as has been done in the past. 3111 and 3109 are in for theirs right now, so we'll see what happens. One unit has managed to survive with this instruction on its record through the last inspection, but this doesn't look good. Thanks to my anonymous source for this, and sorry I didn't get this posted before the Helper trip. - NDHolmes
TRUCK EXPLODES, DESTROYS TRACK AT NARROWS Posted Wednesday, August 10 2005 at 1645 h MDT A few hours ago, a truck carrying a quantity (some say 35000 pounds, some say 58000 pounds) of explosive material rolled over on US 6 around the Narrows crossover in Utah. It caught fire and shortly thereafter, blew a 30 foot deep crater in US 6 and in the ex-DRGW/Utah double track mainline. Nobody was killed, but two individuals were lifted out and are in critical condition. Both the railroad and the highway will be down for a few days... Jim Belmont informs us it's around MP 673.9, between Rio and Narrows. For news coverage, see here at KSL.com or here for KUTV.com. Good thing I got my Helper/Soldier Summit trip in last weekend! (Trip report coming soon...) Update (8/11 - 0830h): Dave Spritke reports via the DRGW list that one main is back open this morning, and that he's heard trains moving around daybreak. Sounds like this won't take as long to fix as previously thought. - NDHolmes
DRGW HERITAGE SD70ACe CONFIRMED Posted Monday, August 1 2005 at 0742 h MDT First there were rumors that there was no DRGW SD70 on the way, then that was reversed to a rumor that paint had been ordered. Now UP itself confirms that there WILL be a Rio Grande SD70, along with MP, WP, MKT, CNW, and SP. Take a look at the press release here. - NDHolmes
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