A special thanks to the fine folks at www.shaylocomotives.com for all their diligent research into the history of each and every Shay. It's thanks to them that I was able to piece together the history of some of these units once they left the D&RGW.

D&RG/D&RGW ex-Copper Belt 3-Truck (0-4-4-4-0T) Shays
CB 1LimaY-215981900Built Salt Lake & Mercur #7 1900
To Copper Belt #1 1905
To D&RG CB-1 1908
Sold to Morse Bros, Denver, 1924
CB 2LimaY-258431904Built Copper Belt #2 1904
To D&RG CB-2 1908
Sold to Morse Bros, Denver, 1924
To McGoldrick Lumber #2, Idaho
CB 3LimaY-327611904Built Copper Belt #3 1904 1
To D&RG CB-3 1908
Sold betwn 1928-1934
CB 4LimaY-3315851905Built Copper Belt #4 1905
To D&RG CB-4 1908
Retired 1925, scrapped 1926
CB 5LimaY-3318011906Built Copper Belt #5 1906
To D&RG CB-5 1908
Scrapped 1936
D&RG/D&RGW ex-Kenilworth & Helper 3-Truck (0-4-4-4-0T) Shays
K&H 150LimaY-4024341911Built Kenilworth & Helper #150 1911
To D&RGW K&H 150 1926
Sold to Pac. Equip, Portland, OR 1929
Scrapped 1941
K&H 151LimaY-4027031913Built Kenilworth & Helper #151 1913
To D&RGW K&H 151 1926
To Montborne Lumber #151 1929
Scrapped 1937 2

1 - Originally built for Guayaquil & Quito Railway in Ecuador as their #17. The order was cancelled after construction but before delivery, and the Copper Belt bought the unit. 2 The boiler from 151 supposedly went to Willapoint Oyster Company of Bay Center, WA.

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  Last modified on October 28, 2006, at 05:05 PM
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